This already took place and we have such a association already.
Why don't you just play a CL season before you suggest stuff? Latly I read a ton of stuff about CL by people who are not even really involved.
Don't know the format, the rules etc., but comment on stuff with a strong opinion. Just participate and then suggest adjustments. It is not like such stuff isn't taken into consideration, but suggesting stuff while knowing little to nothing won't help anyone
1. If there is such an association how come newcomers to CL this year are not invited to it? A couple people have mentioned it, however I have seen no evidence of this (though I'd be happy for you to change this!). What's the point of a players' association if it's not available to players?
2. I've pretty much just finished my first season of CL, so while I haven't been for long I'm definitely involved.
3. Yes, I'm still getting the hang of the format/rules, but I try not to comment with a strong opinion unless I have had things explained to me. The original post in this thread is anything but a strong opinion; rather, a tentative suggestion.