Actually a continuation of the following thread but it's been >30 days so it's locked: Looking to make a mod to allow movement through own territory some # of times (transfer units). Same as limited multiattack mod but for unit transfers. Essentially this makes it a "limited movement mod" regardless of whether transferring through own or attacking.
Now before anyone says it, I'll call it out myself: no, I'm not saying unlimited movement. Limited, and it should be a configurable setting same as it is with the limited MA mod. So relative to the game map, you can set it to 2, 5, 10 or 50 if you so desired. I personally would recommend 2-5 for most maps though depending on what you're looking for.
So the crux of my question, is anyone familiar enough with the Limited Multiattack mod to identify the part within it that stops movement if you move units to a territory you already occupy? Last time I posted this, I didn't realize that it is really simple coding that makes up these mods... not sure what language that is but it looks awfully similar to C/Java/Many forms of Basic/Scripting/etc so as long as I know where I need to make the change, I might be able to do this myself.
So I'm looking at this mod: question - is this the right mod? There seem to be 2 packages for LMA mods.
Second question - which code file/code block contains the code to end MA moves when you hit your own territories? I don't see
anything related to it in any of the files. Is it perhaps not here b/c that functionality is governed by the main game code itself, and this just focuses on 'attacks' and not 'transfers'?
Any other suggestions any experienced modders have?