After our practice season in CL12 Div D, TLA is getting ready to promote in CL13, and we want elite strategy players... you?
Standard joining requirements (need these):
Bootrate: <20%
Activity: min. once weekly (guideline)
Elite joining requirements (don't need these, but they're what I'm looking for):
Bootrate: <5%
1v1, 2v2 and/or 3v3 stats: >59%
Other strategic achievements will be looked on favourably (ladder trophies etc.)
Please read this document to see what TLA offers: free to respond in this thread or by private mail with any enquiries!
(P.S. Before y'all criticise me; I'm aware this isn't the best way to recruit the desired individuals, however I'm running out of time, so I thought I'd give it a shot. You never know what can happen...)