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The most active clan: 2012-08-02 23:50:23

Level 2
i can change my name if it bothers you all this much
The most active clan: 2012-08-02 23:55:21

Level 2
i can change my name if it bothers you all this much
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 00:02:14

Level 2
sorry i double posted hit the button twice
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:17:48

Darth Mylor {Warlighter}
Level 13
Itallion stallion and vostro created a clan called coldblood. The clan wasn't getting a of support, so both of them.
(mostly itallion stallion) create around 3-5 threads to encourage people to join. Added to the fat that he was spamming his threads to make be on top, making it a elitist clan even though he doesn't qualify in, etc. It got so bad that Fizzer had to lock his threads. Ittalion stallion was banned from warlight, and vostro quit warlight. That was the end of coldblood. In its 3 week run. It got a total of one member, and rejected one, even though he was extremely good.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:18:47

Darth Mylor {Warlighter}
Level 13
Im sorry for some of my obvious mistakes. I was writting this in a rush.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:22:12

{RSP} Nike
Level 4
@ awesomguy: you can use warlight on an apple device?
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:27:05

Level 63
Only the forum... It does not require Adobe Flash, I can't do multiplayer or singleplayer though.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:33:54

{RSP} Nike
Level 4

well if you ask me about the most active clan on WL, i''d say [P] or warlighters, their members are active in forums, and they have some internal clan tourneys. but warlighters aren't so good at the game while [P] has some average/decent/good players. :)
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 14:49:19

Darth Mylor {Warlighter}
Level 13
@Nike while what you say is true (mostly), there is one clan that rules ALL. It is called...Unclan. Why you ask? Everyone who isn't part of a clan is part of unclan.
here's a link to it. http://warlight.net/Forum/Thread.aspx?ThreadID=3062

Fyi this is just a spoof. [P], warlighters or REGL are probably the biggest.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 15:03:47

Level 63
Indeed. REGL is biggest, followed by war lighters, and I don't know after that.

Also, how many members does [P] have? I remember playing 4 or 5 of them, and they were good/average players.

FYI Regl automatically translates to REGL and warlighters end up as war lighters with auto-correct.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 15:50:19

The Red Hoard
Level 19
Awesomeguy, haven't really been following any clans, so I can't just pipe up and say who is more active. Was thinking about joining one and what better way to get input than through you guys.

So what are the most active clans that are good then? The top 3 or 4 anyways?
I see not to many are high on warlighters capabilities, so throw that one out.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 16:09:39

Level 63
If you count warlighters out...
REGL is the biggest with average players
[WM] I'm not too sure about...don't know if their leader I'll try a different approach or continue with the original plan.
[P] is one of those clans where it is about as elite as you could get a clan to be without going too overboard with the elitism strategy.
#Elite! Is the same as [P] except they have very good members...and some above average players.
[V.I.W] is the same as REGL except that we are all a "close community" and we are not so big that it becomes a hassle trying to remember all of our clan members.
Not too sure what {rp} does, better off asking a representative from their clan describe it.
And then you could just make your own clan or join one of the smaller clans....

Again typing this on my iPad with a small screen...sorry if I use bad English.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 16:13:44

The Fire_mad32 Juggernaut (Away from game)
Level 12
[rp] < sorry about the different brackets, my keyboard is broke, they do role play games :)
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 16:19:35

Level 63
@The Fire_mad32 Juggernaut; Ok, nice to know :)
Almost forgot CPU though, yet again I don't know much about them, they became a clan while I was stuck in the middle of nowhere....
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 17:45:31

Level 2
you are all the most ADD ppl ive ever met can anybody keep on topic here
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 17:49:50

Level 63
lol be careful of what you say itallion...the Grammar Police are back and are destroying people who do not punctuate at the right times and who do not properly capitalize their posts...
Damn autocorrect.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 18:07:05

Level 2
o i did not know or really care
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 18:46:11

Level 61
people saying that REGl are really inactive and all that, which is partly true, but there are so many of us, if you check tournaments we are the clan with the most players, with a lot of us doing well in them, though we don't have tests to enter, so a lot of noobs in our clan. But #Elite is by far the best clan I've played. All of them are ridiculous at 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s, you name it.
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 19:16:43

Level 2
umm who are you a duplicate of and pick a clan
The most active clan: 2012-08-03 20:20:10

Level 63
Nice to see you joined Hedja :)
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