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Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-04-28 06:21:22

Level 50
I’m not a techie but I’m going to point out one problem with the surveillance card;

you can play them on SUPERBONUSES in fog games. Isn’t that just unfair?

I think Warzone should b let you, for example add a "nosurveillance" tag to a bonus, in this case a superbonus so you can’t play it on a superbonus and just get a super horrible advantage.
Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-04-28 18:34:15

Level 60
This is easy to do as a mod. You need a membership for mods thru.
Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-04-28 18:42:15

Level 63
get a super horrible advantage.
if everyone can play the card on a super bonus, it is not a advantage over other players
Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-04-28 18:45:45

Level 60
if everyone can play the card on a super bonus, it is not a advantage over other players

Not everyone does.

Step 1. Have a map with a huge 0 superbonus, maybe even the whole map. Since it's 0, the bonus box won't show up on the map.
Step 2. Play a card on the bonus, that most players won't spot.
Step 3. Have full intel.

The 'fix' is to just use recon and not suv. card. But on some bigger maps, a recon is too small. I remember wanting someting similar way back in the WarLight days. But anyway, point is a mod that skips recon cards on bonuses with more then ~15 terr is easy to make.
Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-04-28 22:48:56

Level 60
This is only an advantage if the other team doesn't realize you can play the cards on Superbonuses. I admit, I've played team games where I was like "How do they keep knowing where my big stacks are and where I am coming from??"

Then, I figured out that you can play the cards on Superbonuses... and... it was a gamechanger!

So, I agree, there should at least be something in the game that says that you are able to play surveillance cards on Superbonuses - at least a note in the settings...
Superbonuses; using surveillance cards on them: 2020-05-02 02:06:01

Level 60
It is not horrible.

Each card has its purpose.
And the objective of all cards must always surpass the map settings.
Otherwise, the cards would be unnecessary and everything would be via map configuration.
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