After playing warlight/warzone for years, I see more and more and "standard diplo rules" term. However, this term is kind of vague. So I decided to create the ISO Warzone Standard Diplo Rules. I will keep this standard updated. I am open to suggestions.
- One waiting turn Rule
You declare in turn x, commit orders with attacks in turn x+1 and attacks happen in turn x+2.
- Safe start Rule
No declarations on first turn.
- War between allies
You break alliance in turn x-1 and follow "One waiting turn Rule".
- Gangbang Rule
Do not gangbang. Gangbang is considered 3 vs 1, 4 vs 1 or 5 vs 2 or more. Exceptions are when income of the two sides is equal or if there are big alliances in game.
- Default Wars and Civil Wars
These wars cannot stop until one side is eliminated.
- Gift Blocking
Gift Blocking is not allowed. Gift Blocking is when a player A, who is war with player B, gifts some territories to a player C to block player's B attacks. If player B can still attack player A this gifts are not Gift Blocking. In addition, it is not Gift Blocking when Player A gifts all his territories to another player(s)
PEs aka Public Enemies:
- PE Rule
Whoever break rule is PE
- PE status
Host decides who is PE or not. Host may indicate a new host or a co-host. If host is not available due to inactivity or absence highest level player becomes host or people decide by vote.
- War against PE
Everybody should attack PE players. You do not have to declare on PEs. You do not have to wait a turn before attacking a PE player.
- PE forced ceasefires
If a player borders a PE player all his wars stop until he has no more borders with him
- Removal of PE status
If a player A is PE for violating a rule against a player B, player B can ask a payback from Player A to remove his PE status. Host may interfere making these demands reasonable. These demands could be a NAP, lands, armies, gold or anything else.
- Public and Private Alliances
Alliances may be both public or private
- Alliance Capacity
Alliances can have as many members as they want.
- Alliance and PE status
Alliance between a PE player and other players are invalid until his PE status is resolved.
- Assisting an Ally
Allies do not have to assist their allies. They have to follow War Rules if they want to do so.
- Obey
Puppets must obey their masters
- Revolution
Puppets can make a revolution against their master after X turns (default value of X is 10 turns). After revolution they are in war with their masters and both can attack without waiting a turn.
- Puppet International Relations
Puppets cannot declare wars, have allies or sign NAPs. Their master's relations are their relations too. Their master may allow them have their own relationships.
- Booted Puppets
If a puppets is booted all its lands go to their master. If any other country is in war with the master they can enter the former lands of the booted players.
- Puppet's Land
Masters cannot demand territories from their puppets. Exception is the first turn of their vassalisation in case that their vassalisation is a war outcome.
NAPs aka Non Aggression Pacts:
- Duration
Pacts can break at any time. You have to wait like an alliance. If there is a NAP for a specific number of turns (ex. NAPfor X turns) you cannot break this NAP until X turns have passed
- War and NAPs
After signing peace after a war there is an auto unbreakable 1 turn NAP.
- Claim Status
Claims are permitted.
- Respect
Claims do NOT have to be respected.
- Spam
Do not Spam or Flood the chat
- Out of context
If you want to tell about anything out of context use ( )
Any of these rules are not valid if Game Rules say so.
Pls suggest me any new rules or corrections.
Edited 5/13/2020 08:02:30