let me begin my answer with a correction of your post.
Your previous post has shown that you already had been confused before, I and my "speech" just failed to help you change your current state of mind.
If you love the word troll so much, you should find a girl whos surname is in fact Troll and marry her. Then you can have your own cute little trolls, trolling all over your floor. I added a link from the whitepages to aid you in your quest towards happiness.
Concerning your critics against my clan, I have to say that I am so deeply in love with my clan that I am willing to give it up for the next best guy who is able to beat me. Do you really believe your own words, cant you see how absurd it sounds? Or is your sole purpose trolling me?(I mentioned that word, knowing about your intimate relationship with it, granting you the pleasure of hearing it again)
Lastly, do you even know what schizophrenic means, or again did you just add that as an random attempt to insult me, while showing the comunity your vast and worldly knowledge?
But to answer your question, yes I am schizophrenic. I hear voices in my head telling me "you must give WM Pink a 2nd chance, he is unaware of his disabilities, you must enlighten him".
In better moments though, under severe medication is see the futility of this endeavour.
I am still willing to force join you. (troll)