Ian7 has a very good point. Especially on the part of America. The reason that doesn't affect us to this day as much is because we almost succeeded completely. There isnt enough to be any bit outspoken or make a large impact like the jews. Nor was there any chance of saving them during their era. Who would step in? Our French allies? The busy British? Why not the Mexicans, oh wait, because they might be next...
G. Arun...
You should have the courtesy to think of people's feelings here - not doing so marks you as a selfish dick.
Oh my, you know... I really do apologize, on behalf of all us "Nazi lovers". We.. We're so sorry we didn't think about your feelings. That... That right there... That broke my heart. Arun I PERSONALLY am SO SORRY for not considering your feelings when I had previously joined T4R. I must also apologize to the entire Jewish community. How dare I associate myself with people I was previously friends with so that we could have a merry time swapping youtube videos and playing diplos. Shame on me.