Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 01:00:43 |

Level 21
Ok, I'm new here, I see a clan called Illuminati at the top, does that mean they are the best clan?
Is there any benefit to joining a clan?
And special in-game powers or help/boosts you get?
or is it basically a square next to your name?
And how does one determine the best clan?
Sorry, noob questions I'm sure, if this has been answered elsewhere please simply give me the link.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 01:29:17 |
An abandoned account
Level 56
There is ultimately no point in ever joining a clan, they're not really needed and you don't need to waste your time over them.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 01:31:03 |

{rp} Clavicus Vile
Level 56
The clans are ranked by total accumulated points. Illuminati has many many members which means they rank highly. I cannot talk for their internal structure or if they really are a good clan, but most people seem to dislike them for their trolling.
Technically clans offer nothing but an icon and a private forum, however certain clans offer special internal benefits made by the managers within it - For example some are focussed on strategic gameplay and only allow in those who have a certain minimum skill. These clans are good if you want to take pride in battles and hope to win some tournaments with good teammates.
Many clans also engage each other in clan wars and battles, where we manually setup games and tournaments and special little leagues and fight each other. It's alot of fun, although technically nothing changes.
In my opinion, the best clans are those that encourage unity and have lots of internal clan activities, from the top of my head i'd recommend Warlighters, 101st and of course {rp} ;) .
If you feel you are super skilled you might want to try out for WG, WM, apex, [20] or gg(?)
I'm sure there's plenty i'm missing because I don't particularly engage with them so much anymore.
If you prefer roleplaying, there's LN (league of nations) and rr(? Roleplayers Realm) Which look good. Also my own clan. Apparently roleplaying clans generally have a bad reputation so you need to be very careful about those.
Sorry for the long ramble, in short: There's no best clan - No clan is more highly skilled than all of the others as the leagues tend to flip flop with who wins and loses, and lots of clans have fun internal and external games which make Warlight alot more fun.
If you'd like to put more meaning into Warlight, involve yourself in a community and fight for an arbitrary idea, join a clan! :D
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 10:49:46 |

Level 21
Ok but then why is there stigma against clans such as rr, illumi, etc?
Does not having a clan make it a 'real clan' what is the difference between say rr and gg?
And for example even if you are say, roleplaying, you are taking it seriously, if you are doing it, then how does gg take itself seriously compared to a roleplay clan or the illuminati if they are all taking themselves seriously?
I don't really see a difference except childish; 'your not in my clan, so your clan isn't real'.
It's actually quite sad, and if they provide nothing but drama and a square next to your name, they seem pointless rather, and a waste of monetary funds.
What is the difference, I am clearly missing it.
Thanks Again,
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 10:59:48 |

Level 61
Ok, I'm new here, I see a clan called Illuminati at the top, does that mean they are the best clan?
no. Is there any benefit to joining a clan?
not particularly. it's more of an inner community thing. there are talks of some clan wars features that might be implemented in the future in the game, but nothing as of yet. And special in-game powers or help/boosts you get?
none. expect maybe people ganging up on you if they don't like your clan. or is it basically a square next to your name?
pretty much, except someone paid 15 dollars for it to exist. and drama is likely to ensue at some point. And how does one determine the best clan?
battle to the death! Ok but then why is there stigma against clans such as rr, illumi, etc?
what stigma would that be? Does not having a clan make it a 'real clan'
what? what is the difference between say rr and gg?
different letters, different players. And for example even if you are say, roleplaying, you are taking it seriously, if you are doing it, then how does gg take itself seriously compared to a roleplay clan or the illuminati if they are all taking themselves seriously?
why do you care? just have fun. I don't really see a difference except childish; 'your not in my clan, so your clan isn't real'.
generates way more useless forum threads atleast! It's actually quite sad, and if they provide nothing but drama and a square next to your name, they seem pointless rather, and a waste of monetary funds.
sad clan drama indeed.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 11:03:18 |

Level 21
Ok basically what I thought regarding clans.
Thanks everyone.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-20 14:04:03 |

Level 21
Would WG Accept me?
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-21 20:23:31 |

Level 21
Ah, I see.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-21 20:40:38 |
Level 60
The Best is #1. Who is #1?, well here is a link: http://warlight.net/Clans/?ID=1
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-21 20:51:13 |

Level 21
You were the first to buy a clan, so you are the best?
Interesting theory.
Was that an invitation to join?
Which clan is the best?: 2014-05-21 21:02:05 |
Level 60
You are free to apply, contact eagleblast. (he also bought it first, I'm just a simple member ;p)
Which clan is the best?: 2014-06-06 05:08:32 |

Level 55
What are the benefits of joining a clan?
You'll never get in-game boosts for being part of a clan, except maybe clanmates allying you or people who hate your clan atacking you.
There are (according to me) 2 characteristics of clans:
The people inside:
-Elite clans: {rp} and WG... this clans have few members and are hard to enter. -Noobs clans: some of the top clans... accept everybody, no matter if they have just entered -Regular People clans: this ones have players that play for fun and are active but not very involved, although there isn't am exact line between all of these. -Same country players: NL; BR and ESP are some examples, the plers share country, language or region.
The objective of itself:
-Roleplaying clans: very few clans of this kind, since they aren't so respected by the strategic players. {rp}; League of Nations (my clan) and some others are good examples. To enter one of these you must like roleplaying. This kind of clans usually make clan games that are full of roleplay, only good stuff there. -Strategy clans: hardest clans to enter, although some are mid way to the top, depending on the percentage of victories, most of them use the 1 vs 1; 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 to allow or not their players, as well as the boot rate. Here you improve your strategy, playing for winning, basically. -Common clans: just clans that gather a group of people that have played together or are real-life friends.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-06-07 14:31:53 |

The National Socialist
Level 54
Everybody will be biased to an extent *coughFrancocough*
Some people *coughFrancocough* still think about clans in the old way. There are no noob clans, and he omitted troll clans. Not to mention there is now a permanent league using the clan system that is AT THE LEAST worth mentioning.
The only noob clan to ever exist was illuminati, and illuminati is done. Members fade every day, or become inactive with the game itself. I personally (amidst others) have never considered illuminati a clan at all. While always considered "a troll clan" that was never the intention. They were a self admitted attention clan.
True troll clans exist now. Trollitus Maximus has cleared the path for that.
Having no prerequisites for joining does not make you a noob clan. It makes you a clan that doesn't care how good you are or who you are. They're just looking for a place to have fun and play games with. Most of these "noob clans" are also part of another genre of clans. Whether it be Roleplay, diplo, or team based clans, having no prereqs does not make you a noob clan, and I'm sure I'm not the only person insulted by this statement.
Which clan is the best?: 2014-06-07 15:25:31 |

[NL] Willem van Oranje
Level 57
When you play against players from a (other) clan. you'll see how good they are. (levels are not always represent the skill of a player due lottery games [other topic]) Some good clans I know by playing against different members of that clan are REGL, GG (Illuminati, used to be but I'm not seeing them anymore). And some other players from clans like 5v5 have a difference in skills. Just play against clanmembers and you'll see how good they are.
My own clan is a mix of skilled players and players who can improve theirselfs.
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