1st update of clan league 5 group A.
This season we will have:
6 1v1 tournaments with each win worth 3 points for a total of 108 points.
3 2v2 tournaments with each win worth 4 points for a total of 72 points.
2 3v3 tournaments with each win worth 5 points for a total of 60 points.
This season will feature 11 tournaments and a total score of 240 points.
This 1st update will be close to meaningless as it is still very early.
I will try to make an update once a week.
If someone can double check me from time to time to make sure there are no mistakes that would be great
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Arn0ahIN9qcsdDM2VU9mUnFONmltYjN1ZlBWTDlXV3c&gid=2101st current points 3 max points 219
AHoL current points 3 max points 234
Apex current points 3 max points 234
GG current points 12 max points 234
MASTER current points 9 max points 228
WG current points 12 max points 240
WM current points 9 max points 240