So the question is?: 2013-08-26 18:00:28 |
{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
So the question is?: 2013-08-26 18:44:42 |
Level 54
(new sentence)
So the question is?: 2013-08-30 09:54:37 |
{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
So the question is?: 2013-08-30 17:46:29 |
Level 54
So the question is?: 2013-09-03 10:08:01 |
{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
So the question is?: 2013-09-03 10:59:47 |
Level 54
So the question is?: 2013-09-04 07:40:36 |
Level 60
Well for some reason it's not letting me edit the above post so here's the whole thing
Are FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION mydaddytouchesme thatdidntworkout because you wanted A challenge period I? tried ship millions of Cocaïne with his little brother's Trained Gerble and I He kissed his collapsed because? You It devoured in a Monkey Belly eating a tasty Boiled nappy I(f) breast lol failed to have eight penis that smelled very Invigorating? and nobody cleaned Up my old Toilet fools. Meanwhile fools Chuck norris thereoncewasaboywholikedtoeatchickensandnowheisdeadfromjumpingoveraoverlylargetruckfullofchickenswholikedtoteatchickenssobasicallytheywerecannibals heonlyatespumoniafterhisruninwiththechickenshealsokilledchucknorriswithanak47hahasuckonthatbitch what MEANWHILE Fat pigs eat Crap instead of smelly goats Cheese because they like insulting Russians because bear grylls eats testicles in a stinking turnpike! Once upon. a thyme waffles attacked a Earth DMV containing multiple aliens containing huge round bouncy chinchombas! that orange kirby licked its Sandwich With sporks And spoons Yum said Arun doesn't as Robert J. Oppenheimer decided chuck norris to pity Audacity derp what? Meanwhile in warlight Richard sharpe Sharpe posted why Scratch Wanted is to kill warlight and's community also become stupid cake Yum said Fizzer while He I why? lol We had Eaten Arun's Monkey. Turkey chicken and frogs However HEPATICOCHOLANGIOCHOLECYSTENTEROSTOMIES Everybody fine. Someone containing so a brown CONTAINING We are young and so I Decided that sphincter is really cool turtle monkey tail but Jesus disproves Quantum physics because arun's hypochondriac told himself "Henry, but in soviet Vanuatu fools Have good taste fizzer waste of electronic awesomeness Arun's punch owns nobody except fizzer obviously ;) I like 尿 MALAKA *face palms( Who containing who killed all the elephants with a mailbox and something containing miniature chihuahuas who are extremely obese These are the containing Tap-dancing-monkeys that contained ugly worms that could waste you waste senseLesss!iulhkjhjkhjk Your Mom is difinitive definitivly* Proportionately and everyone hates That Mal because he Is-a-stupid-noob that should-go-away Six SLUTS sucked moms giant Rabid questzalcoti dick because of Bumcracker's aid Who for The-price-of-one wants two o' or Two. thirds of a Weeds Warlight just died metaphorically finding because-trolls-and-troll-clans-killed-it, nobody physically demands that it-dies-who ever-wants warlight-to-die-is Smelly Waffles are what hillbillies Use to eat eat. Whenever someone tries to say Monkeys are Jewish Did you know which I dont like carl saegan and you because after gfhddgfdgfbdgfnuidgfhuidgfhuidgfonudfhugfigfigfmgfbgfbfkoghfojighfjighfkgf,ggd,gfgo,o,gdgfdg died, you killed fizzer's kitten Why do idiots call themselves 37° legos is it brain damage (3^2)(7^X)=G Distribution nobody cares ironheart plays with christian monks They and Bananas lived forever With you. But, dogs Lick pineapples Mylor's swords flop awesomness. Therefore, everyone lacking is completely hetrosexual The Orange american dead kangaroo Vasectomy was Priceless Moreover, penguins enough enough enough enough enough seriously, enough whenever Monkeys like sucking Bais's tiny a.k.a. or A that Bais pie is Ironhearts favorite Meal Regents who lost A huge amount of games illegal for hostess Meanwhile some Spongebob had Too wipe my face because he is who hates his neighbors that watch him and was to suck Belzebu#Elite!'s left balls are are Very delicious and AND is a Healthy alternative Way to give lots of delicious onions A massive hobbit named Elmer we Are full of hazelnuts because i Can't be a bouncing ball. Without balls, Belzebu#Elite! can't Furthermore, whenever (it) eats cabbage, it can reflexively make itself a Yorkshire sausage full Whenever Agressive#Number's# sucked Soup from a box The question upon the gorilla is so that mandingo can play with his hippopotamus. Cuando is a leopard that peed on aggressive's feet Mylor "Oh, Santa has a tenacious turtle who is serially cool and likes waffles Therefore, Mrs. sucks monkey fingers because they have awesomeguy's seal-of-approval That's A seal OF retarded people like Somebody stupid tried forty cookies times 9000 100 1 equaling 101st The is pimp because Fizzer likes ponies and jews? Gallons SQUEEEEZE my fourteen piece My airlift cabbage fish replies hello yo wasap o hai then screw the cow jumped the moon which smelled like teen spirit. welcome to warlight Cows eat waffles smothered with dung. Love is very horrible said the capybara. Why do chickens eat weathered Billy Walshes tiny grew Then iehuehyeH Barack Hussein stole mai cherries and ran away pooping Mitt romney So what if billy walsh is sucked into failure how do doo smells? with coffee beans on the ground A large surgeon screamed while running towards Dunkin donuts like nose In India where So farting no matter no Yes Daffodils After Billy smelt great uncle confused? Hi! bye Establishmentarianism sux cuz it sux and sux chuddles are suckers cuz General Arun is a jack but we sux I eat Gui's arrogant turnip! this IS the end! of warlight jk I don't haha kekeke fat Do fat lizards fat cats and fat monkeys suck or it does not? What is 42? Billy Walsh eats carrots dipped in blood turds then sucks D****s carrots there was not hope for WarLight when Billy screwed Uranus inhabitants were sad cuz Magic Trolls ate Golden succulent octopus tails dipped without Batter -ed shrimp tempura Once Mr. Bean grabbed porkchops off nipples smothered with gravy boats with gravy. What Not there who where what where? noobs. boobs lubes. tubes Gui sucks because someone killed Him with Chili pepper sauce in molested children's hospital by Santa and The Beatles gay yuri wilfred decided to make sandwiches! bear piss tastes lemony and cold yuri is no gorgeous but someone Who doesn't Know Yuri is yaoi? but gay. so that's what? Five different People wanted To jack Off all Day on the Internet with Kleenex and vaseline while 2girls1cup and MILFs are You play Games way Too poop kiss the cow's udder while He massaged cows POOP i killed by stealth, elves wearing nothing but they hats stand on cocaine dealers on Psychiatry we Pooped on Billy Walsh's clot with Billy the kid groped his shrink's balls lovingly! how? does one screw up in his sofa bed Sheets while playing WARLIGHT! The face off smeared analorgys With sticky buttholes and Yuri! Ballgina bounce YOU! Soviet Vanuatu is a noob sucker punch Warflowvet can't Hellbender poops upon humanity thus Llamas caress their peanuts with hairy lubricated camel toes! Robespierre beheads black nob in Yuri Hellovic Benderov's arms while seductively oozing with jsa is jsa but he jsas steals Pie from the swiss bank Moros sucks jsa Sucks His lovely C**k Fizzer fondles beautiful capybaras but pschiatrists have -n't codified Yuri 's hairy bigtoe! Gui I was frying Thrillers with Val Lewton, whence came loquacious but monkeys poop like Nefla Fizzer eats nothing. Hellbender dead. Lolowut doesn't live. Olieboi smells Like teen sprit. Ironheart will join WG although he was dumb and dumb My dog which sucks testicles lol so hard that she LIES about whenever platypus raped a himself pink polka-dot -ted yo i ate broken nyan and had and a pedophile was raping himself while gesturing the middle of his finger when a not wildebeast ate his only piece of food. When my Uncle goes up my ass he gyrates violently between two trunks immediately fullstop. he likes touching my hand because he is gay with me because his monumental dick How does Motocross lose everything Once in Vagina WHAT There was war in Afghanistan that didn't do any good Bad Relite is not a good vagina. I made sex with my Dog. Forsooth to have lesbian vagina within A penis discovered One day the almighty lord Fizzer thought it would be A How not to become Gay when Drunk Everyone sucks at licking their mother's eyeballs along his/her pupils because They fantasize About greasy Pants which contain 42 Pence and A dildo With something Wet sucking crap out What? My Big Butts cannot hurt you Cocaine is good it will give you magical watermelons Aids gives boys something that will benefit mankind I have arthritis in You should lick pussy or suck lollipops whether your gay father
So the question is?: 2013-09-05 21:28:38 |
Level 54