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Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 23:40:15

Level 61
I'm not touching that question with a ten-foot pole :p
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-23 23:46:27

Level 58
Well okay, then.

But my proposal is more oriented towards tournaments and open games, so maybe make it so you can't make a turn in ladder games?
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 00:01:43

Level 62
Possibly controversial take, the problem isn't vacations, it's the vacations not honored setting.

If you're taking turns during a vacation you're abusing a feature that is designed for people to take a break from the game.

Vacations not honored makes it difficult to take a true break from the game unless: a) you have all such games/tournaments finished, or b) you don't care about surrendering those games.

Vacation feature would be a lot better with number of days instead of number of vacations. IMO ladder stalling is a niche problem that doesn't arrive that often, but if you enable a feature that is basically custom designed to help it that could change.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 00:12:55

Level 58
No, the problem is not the "vacations not honored" setting.

It's the fact you can't take a vacation in your other games, while still playing in those games.
Your only options is surrendering or getting booted.

Edited 6/24/2020 00:43:50
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 00:23:57

Level 61
I fail to see the problem.

You want to put on vacation mode, so you don't want to commit turns in your games. But apparently, there are some games that you do want to take your turn in and you don't want to surrender those. Given that you do not care about surrendering your other games, why take a vacation at all instead of surrendering those games you didn't care about in the first place?
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 00:39:47

Level 58
The problem is I can't keep up with all my games when I am to busy to play, so I want an extended boot timer for when I am to busy to play consistently.

Edited 6/24/2020 03:36:05
- downvoted post by Ottoman Empire
- downvoted post by Ottoman Empire
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 03:16:33

Level 63
For me the problems (plural) are:

(A) not honouring the vac settings
REASON: Excepting certain cases where maybe it's required like certain tournaments, ladders, etc. I have heard a fair bit about "ladder stalling", so maybe they need a preventative mechanism there, but do it in a way that doesn't break vac for the entire game. Or change the way ladders work so stalling isn't beneficial. That's the real problem, and it gets taken out on functionality like this. If the problem is engaging vacation and playing SOME ladder games but not other ladders game - fine, cancel the vac for ladder games if that happens. Maybe vac doesn't make sense for ladder games anyhow b/c they're all in a season anyhow. I'm talking about normal games here. Maybe vac doesn't apply to tournaments either - not sure on that one. They don't have a "season" like ladders, so maybe it's not as important.

(B) canceling the vac if I make a move
REASON: I don't have time to make moves in all my games, but maybe I have time to make a handful of moves. Let's say I have 70 games (I do) and it takes 4+ weeks to "spin down" to a lower quantity because many go on for at least that long, quite often longer for the big maps, high # of players. And sometimes it's not actual vacation I'm going on, I just have a few really busy days or a really busy week, and would rather not time out in all 70 games. But I still might be able to make 1-2 moves that week. I don't get the "all or nothing", play all your games or play none of them philosophy outside of the ladder stalling discussion.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 03:18:07

Level 63
Mythos - If you can't keep up with the boot timers on a regular basis, you're playing too many games, or you're playing games with too short a timer for your needs. Play less, or join ones (or create ones) with high timers.

If it's just in busy times, then yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting vacations should be applicable to.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 03:32:08

Level 58
Krinid - I completely agree with your opinions, that's exactly the reason i started this thread.

I can managed 30 to 40 games just fine if I am not busy.
But when I am busy, managing just 10 becomes difficult and it's not like i can just quit 30 games because i just happened to be busy 1 week.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 08:25:21

Level 62
Isn't it just the commit button that breaks a vacation?
So your games that honour vacation, stay stalled
Your games that don't honour vacation you enter moves and wait for the autocommit at end of turn? Or; autocommit counts as a commit and breaks vacation?

@Mythos1618; your example in the first post isn't any good. Just have set the vacation and ignore. While you *might* be able to continue games on vacation, it may very well be rushed and not best.
If it's a vacations not honoured game then that's the setting you dislike
Though, kudos on never being booted

If you can log in from on holiday, then a 10 day vacation is just logging in three times from that holiday. So you're worrying about being able to log in just once or twice in the ten days but can't commit to the 3 times? Or you have 1 day turn limits, (basically real time).

None of the solutions sound better than the current. I admit, the current isn't perfect too
Once two people in a game start their vacations of 70 days after each other... which holds up a tournament that you'd expected to have finished but is now not finished when you have your planned holiday.

Nothing will be perfect, once your vacations are unbreakable they can very much be used to stall and annoy.

I'm -1
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 09:49:56

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I can see the stalling problem too, however it occurs so rarely.

As a compromise, I personally would also be happy if we could extend the time after the vacation has been broken via commit button to 1 day. 1 hour is just crazy when you're in more than 10 games.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 11:25:39

Level 58
Totally forgot about autocommit.
But if that still works during vacations, there is no need to surrender in the "vacations not honored" games.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 11:52:13

Level 61
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 12:25:09

Level 60
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 13:29:17

Level 60

Last year I went on vacation and during the week long trip, I accidentally broke the vacation three or four times, each on different days, due to the fact I'm so accustommed to hitting commit after I enter my orders in.

This would be a great improvement and I would highly enjoy not having to take 3 vacations on a week long trip!! ;)
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 19:26:48

Level 63
Auto-commit is for RT only, isn't it? I've been booted from MD games recently I had partial moves made for.

Either way, it's a bad mechanic to rely on to not get booted while making moves in other games. Just fix vacation.

The only counter argument people have for not changing the vacation system is game stalling. So fix the stalling problem. Don't hamper the vacation system because a separate game stalling issue exists. Everyone also seems to exist that having the vacation system this way doesn't fix the stalling problem, it's just another method of being able to do it.

As I said, eliminate ladders from scope of vacations.

But some games go on for 6-24 months, so imagine being 16 months into a game and having a busy week. Would rather not have to worry about making moves in a game, nor getting booted from it. Fix the vacation system.

I have yet to hear anyone say they have effectively used the vacation system. So can we at least all agree that it's useless in its current state and needs change, even if we can't agree on what the target should be yet?
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 19:28:07

Level 63
@AI, I totally forgot about the "1 hour" leeway. Yes, that's ridiculous. Honestly, it's like the current vacation system was designed in order to not be effective and cause people grief.
Petition to change Vacations!: 2020-06-24 20:59:52

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
@AI, I totally forgot about the "1 hour" leeway. Yes, that's ridiculous. Honestly, it's like the current vacation system was designed in order to not be effective and cause people grief.

What I just did a few days ago was entering orders in all my games, then committing all games at the same time.
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