@Noob/Justinian: This is my problem
Why even create a "#🐵spam-the-n-word" channel in the first place if the raison d'etre for your server is to provide a less-moderated space that's created in good faith? Why use Loxiiv as you rallying cry when he's the guy posting "nigger" on your server? Why claim you're doing all this to nobly resist tyranny when you're flooding the other server with invites to this shithole, otherwise ruining the other server with spam, and have channels with names that scream "xD *holds up spork* r u offended lmao?":
It's also a misdirect to claim I'm personally offended. I'm not. I'm just telling you you're a piece of shit creating a space for casual racism; whether or not my feewings are hurt is not the issue.
I don't have an issue with your server existing. I have an issue with your server becoming the hub for Warzone's diplo community.
Edited 7/19/2020 23:08:23