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Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-20 16:42:40

Level 64
Hello everyone and welcome to the thread. Feel free to post anything related to the conspiracies that our world has went through and that is currently going through. Anything from YouTube links, pdfs, websites, testimonials and much more are welcomed and appreciated... Have a great day.
Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-20 17:00:01

Level 64
French Nobel award winner Luc Montagnier claims that Corona Virus is created in the Lab. HIV sequences found in the virus. https://youtu.be/durcHyxpFT4
Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-20 18:52:41

The Voynich Manuscript
Level 56
Sure go ahead and believe whatever "conspiracist" media tells you, without checking. Just believe them they're here to save you...
Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-21 13:00:39

Pepe the Great
Level 58
A few weeks before the Canadian election, there was supposed to be a story published by The Globe and Mail about Justin Trudeau behaving inappropriately with minors during his time as a teacher at a private school. The story was never published, and rumors were largely ignored by the mainstream media.
Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-21 14:48:16

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61

Things that were conspiracy can easily become factual later on and there is a gradient of believably and potentiality behind conspiracy's. That being said I don't spend much or any time if I can help it on researching and contemplating conspiracy since appears to me to be a bad idea ; by either letting the wretchedness and hopelessness of the inalienably of external bad actions and events , damage your inner peace OR getting lost down the rabbit hole and delving into more "schizo" stuff which at it extremity may be : flat hollow earth lizard men etc :DDDDD. But the idea that that sort of stuff is pushed as a way of ridiculing more grounded conspiracies (which it's effective at) isn't out of the question or it could just be a natural product of weak mental health / idiots. Personally I try to exist now not seethe at things that are beyond my control but to attempt to mould myself and find inner fulfilment.
Conspiracy and conspiracy theories: 2020-07-23 11:26:57

Level 64
@PepetheGreat nothing unusual, it already happend many times that they try to hide the truth if things don't work in their favor. Mainstream media will never tell you the deep truth beyond.

@Rikku I agree with you on that one, inner fulfillment is what every person in the world they should strive for, but if someone is forcing you to do the things that don't meet with your ideology of inner fulfillment. That not gonna end up well.
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