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Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 18:49:16

Master HFG
Level 55
It seems to me that many players have a big aversion against Local Deployment games.
I exclusively play Multi Day and I am always trying to explore new settings that lead to interesting, new game-play for loads of players at once. I also like to make my games as strategic as possible, and as fair as possible.

I found that on big maps, the factor of starting positions is crucial in deciding which players gains an advantage over the others.
In an attempt to allow players that were not as lucky with the early territory grab to have a better chance at fending bigger players off, I started trying out local deployments years ago. I feel that I came very close to what I was looking for.

Unfortunately next to none of the big maps out there are created in a way to support local deployments. A single overlapping bonus on the map is enough to make it impossible to use. As a scenario creator it is an extremely time consuming effort to track them all down on most of the popular huge maps that are needed for games with many players.

It seems to be that there should either be a tool that can help with tracking these bonuses during scenario creation. The only viable alternative that would allow local deployments to claim a rightful place among the other features would be to have a second version of all big maps out there.

A method used by some map makers that allows for a quick identifying of overlapping bonuses is to add "Superbonus" or some other clear term to the bonus names. This method seems to be the most helpful at solving the problem for fans of local deployment. It is arguably preferable over having a second map.

Edited 7/21/2020 18:55:45
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 18:56:00

Level 60
ld in a big map in multiplayer is a big no-no for me.
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 18:59:56

Level 59
Same for me
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 19:05:21

Level 63
big map in general is a no no for me
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 19:06:30

Level 35
Is this for diplomacy games?
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 19:17:23

Level 60
in a commerce diplo would local depolyment work in diplomacy world huge? it would make the game more realistic but it also might drive people crazy.
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-21 20:33:00

Level 60
It seems to be that there should either be a tool that can help with tracking these bonuses during scenario creation. The only viable alternative that would allow local deployments to claim a rightful place among the other features would be to have a second version of all big maps out there.

There is a tool, you can usee to find superbonuses/be used to fix this (for 99%) for all big maps using mods*. You do need a M to use it thru. Since all superbonuses tends to be quite big, this mod can fix it.

*The mod is 'BonusValue QuickOverrider' and is made by me. I also have a unreleased LD helper mod, that gets rid of the tedious work of entering the same orders every turn. Also, since this overrides bonus values, you can save the template after, and remove the mod. Meaning the games will be mod-free after.

Of course you can also make your own mod. In short, this is already in the game since we have a mod framework to use.
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-24 10:28:11

Master HFG
Level 55
Not really Diplos, but I still prefer big maps when there is many players involved. I am speaking of 20 or more.
Local Deployment on Big Maps: 2020-07-24 12:24:19

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
We should make a local deploment lovers thread, so we all get together and can make games just for us. ;)
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