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The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 11:16:36

{rp} General Mac 
Level 53
The Flyweight Belt 1v1

The Idea for this is simple and based on the boxing belts they win after a fight.

One person will hold the belt and all bragging rights that go with it

People will take it in turns to challenge the Belt holder to a match. If they win they will become the new belt holders

Any person wishing to challenge for the belt must ask to be added to the list on this thread

When it’s your turn you will be invited to a game by the belt holder

Just like the boxing this is an ongoing “tournament” and will never finish (unless of course the interest for it dies)

The belt holder may retire at any stage and pass the belt to the winner of the next 2 games. This game will be played on medium earth ladder settings

There can only ever be one True Legend and this is the person who has held the belt for the most games. Previous legends may re enter at any stage to try and regain or improve their legendary status. In fact any player may re enter by adding their name to the list

For the start I will control the forum thread to get it going but the idea is for the Belt holder to control it so we aren’t reliant on me being here

The only real rules are as follows

The belt holder keeps control of the forum Thread
After every match is finished it’s the new/reigning Belt Holders responsibility to update this forum thread with the following information (in the same post)

-Current Legend and amount of wins
-Post the result of the match just played with game link so we all know what’s going on
-Update the list adding any new people to the bottom
-Invite the next person on the list

The Belt holder may choose any map and settings he/she wishes. Only restriction is that it must be 1v1 and the map must have more than 10 bonuses (no dual trual type maps please)

Boot times- must be 5 day auto with holidays allowed

Please be patient while waiting for your turn. Depending on the size of the list it could be some time but its all part of the fun

The first match will be between the first 2 people that show interest on medium earth ladder settings

If you are interested just post here with something along the lines of “add me to the list please”

Good luck!
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 11:27:28

Level 55
Go on then add me
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 11:58:53

Level 54
OOOoooh pick me,add me.
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 12:07:13

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
add me to the list please
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 12:31:43

Level 26
Put me in
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 12:32:15

Level 58
add me plz
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 12:50:43

Level 57
Add me here
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 13:15:16

brisk • apex 
Level 58
I'm in
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 13:31:19

NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 
Level 59
Add me.
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 13:58:16

Level 61
im in
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 13:59:15

{rp} General Mac 
Level 53
OK so we have have our first Match underway to determin who the first Belt holder will be

Current Legend - None

Current Match - Ska2D2 vs Ironheart


(normally the link will be to the game just finished but you get the idea)

The List
General Arun {Warlighter}
{rp} Bais
brisk • apex
NoobSchool (AHoL)
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 14:19:09

Level 2
may i try, this sounds like fun!
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 14:43:33

Level 56
I'm in.
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 14:45:40

Level 61
would like to join plz
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 15:10:36

Luxis • apex 
Level 51
Hit me up!
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-08-31 15:52:01

dunga • apex 
Level 57
Good idea, i was planning on doing something like that, had even talked with lolowut and jsa about it. So its very nice to see up in here.

I found this belts (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 6 player FFA). But I can add as suggestions some other things I was thinking.

This rule about the belt holder controlling settings is interesting, but i would suggest being only one among many 1v1 belts.

Them you could have 3 to 5 1v1 belts and each player can only waitlist for 1 1v1 belt at a time.
And you could have matches against people in the waiting list so you can move up in the belt contest (or fast round robins).

I would suggest the 1v1 strategic, the Season Current template and maybe europe or ancient china.

Also, I have a few boxing templates of the warlympics, and if you want, would be nice adding a belt for the boxing (possible other warlympics fights). Because the belt first holders will be made after a contest of gold medal winners. (I will update warlympics threads soon, it will start in september and will be very fast).

Sorry to enter your post General Mac, but I think some of this suggestions can be used to make it very nice.

count me in
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-09-01 15:18:45

{rp} General Mac 
Level 53
Hi Dunga Thanks for your imput and suggestions there is a possibility that if the list gets too big then i may start another 1v1 an only allow people to sign up for 1

The idea for this is really to keep it as possible so it will continue to run as long as warlight does. For this to happen it needs to be a really simple formular.
for now i think combining it with the warympics or having matches between people in the list is just a little to much. so im going to leave it with the basic formular already in place
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-09-01 16:34:41

Clifford The Big Red Dog 
Level 37
im in
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-09-01 20:52:05

Level 55
What happens now?


Oh I think the chat offended Ironheart so don't read if you are young or offended by fellatio or drugs ...
The Flyweight Belt 1v1: 2012-09-01 20:57:50

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
looks like you are the first holder of the flyweight belt in warlight history
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