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WGL #172 Yorkshire Brawl.: 2020-07-25 17:45:46

Level 63
Welcome to WarGamingLive #172!

For those who are new to WGL, this was a weekly realtime tournament series hosted and live-streamed by experienced warzone players with in-depth analysis and commentary. Nowadays it's no longer weekly, it's whenever we bother. The broadcast (stream) is hosted on twitch.tv, chat participation is encouraged.

You can find earlier WGL streams at:

WGL #172 is happening tomorrow, July 26th.

The stream will start at 20.00 Central European Time (2 pm EST)

Template: Yorkshire Brawl (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=22830120)

Livestream will be hosted at http://twitch.tv/min34

Past hosts and commentators of WGL: Lolowut, Mythonian, Fizzer, Dunga, x, Hedja, Reza, Robespierre, Trollusa, Mian, kcscrag, Miyagi, TheWarlightMaster, Gui, Dom365, Fridge, Latnox, Pushover, Peixoto, Szeweningen, Gnuffone, Sephiroth, Beren Erchamion, The Swimming Potato, Aura Guardian, Nackickwind, jz, Prabster Realm, Gustave II, ps, master of desaster, Master of the Dead, Farah, Jefferspin, Timinator, Styxie, Super Smoove, MarkusBM, Glamorous, PanagiotisTheGreekFreak, Cowboy, Min34, Alexclusive and many more!

WGL historic stylesheet:
WGL #172 Yorkshire Brawl.: 2020-07-26 18:06:38

Level 63
Hey Guys! I'll be streaming a WGL today! The template will be Yorkshire Brawl, which is also the template for the current seasonal. Come join us at https://twitch.tv/min34

The link to the tournament:

if you want to be invited let me know on stream!
WGL #172 Yorkshire Brawl.: 2020-07-28 23:06:29

Level 63
Replay of the stream is now available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il4aMLV_5hw
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