Wow balth, rather than buying membership, you spend coins in wzi
I played Cookie Ćlicker with this and when I won time warp ability in raffle, I wanted to use it, forgetting I had my autoclicker on. 50 clicks per second, baby!
How many coins did you spend on WZI?: 2020-07-29 15:12:46
Of course I know it was a joke ... I highly doubt:
(A) anyone here has USD$69M to spare on a game.
(B) such a person would be playing this game.
(C) anyone would buy coins with such money; even if a filthy rich person is seriously interested in WZ, it would make more sense to do a proper investment engagement and not just effectively make a voluntary donation, maybe buy the whole damn WZ service itself and hire Fizzer to manage it instead.
How many coins did you spend on WZI?: 2020-07-29 16:46:39