This is an image that has been circulating around facebook. The goal of this image: to boost female morale in attempt to counter 'Purity Balls'. A a purity ball is an event that has existed since the early 1990s, designed to sexualize and fetishize young (conservative) girls which originated in the United States. Essentially, it is a large ceremony in which over age 5, but not typically older than 25, receives a ring from her father which binds her to the Lord and himself. (Quoted: "This is just a reminder that keeping yourself pure is important. So you keep this on your finger and from this point you are married to the Lord, and your father is your boyfriend"). The ring symbolizes everything that is supposedly representative of purity and is a girl's promise that she will not consider courtship with anyone while she wears it.
Original article:, people of the internet.. what is your opinion of these purity balls?
Edited 6/3/2014 05:37:38