You can make text [i]italics[/i], or [b]bold[/b].
Links are automatically made clickable.
Inline images like this: [img]http://image.url/img.jpg[/img] (Member-only. Keep it family-friendly.)
You can indicate text is a quote like this: [quote]This is a quote.[/quote]
Make a divider line with [hr]
Surround pre-formatted text with [code]...[/code]
You can make a bulleted list with [list]...[/list] and precede each line with [*] (example of list is the list you are reading now)
Code example Title 1 Title 2
Code is very useful for making tables That need to look Good
However It also doesnt really work on mobile
You can also use [b]bold[/b] and [i]italics[/i] in code blocks