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Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 11:32:59

Level 61
Welcome to Clan League 13!

We're less than a day from starting. Important links:

CLOT: http://wzclot.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/leagues/369/
Official Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpIMi16M8CBSioEAQmZNsGqAC3kMoIYsutHIWS_7e64/edit?usp=sharing
Start of Clan League: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=september+1+noon+cest
Clan League Discord: https://discord.gg/NAQ5XC

On the sheet you can find the scores, the lineups, roster, substitutions and most importantly, the rules.
By playing Clan League, we're assuming you have read the rules.

A few things might need explaining, as I'm getting a lot of questions about it:

Roster and Lineup
Your lineup depicts which player is playing which template.
Your roster contains all the people on your lineup, and potential substitutes.
Whenever you want to substitute someone in your lineup, the player you sub in has to be on your roster and has to have logged in to the CLOT at least once.

The games will be created according to a schedule. The schedule can be found on the Official Sheet.

Midseason Registration
Between day 35 and day 45, a midseason registration window takes place. You may add as many new accounts as you like to your roster, up until the roster limit (27 players). You may also remove players from your roster to make room for new players if needed.

You can replace up to 12 slots on your lineup over the course of the season. Keep in mind that a player can still only play a total of three slots. If you wish to substitute a player, notify us by mailing me and putting it on the respective forum thread for your division. In this notification, state 1) the player subbed out 2) the player subbed in 3) the tournament in which the substitution is done and 4) the number of substitutions your clan has left
Substitutions can only be made by one of the contacts you signed up for Clan League. Once you have notified us, your player will be substituted within three days. If not, please reach out to the people on the Clan League Panel.

Blitz is making a substitution:
Player out: Farah♦
Player in: Kronos
Tournament: 3v3 India
Subs left: 11

I'm sure people will have other questions. Feel free to ask away in this thread. I'll put the question and answer in this first post.

Have fun, and may the best clan win!
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 12:43:55

Level 62
Hi Farah,

I have a question about seeding.
This is about situation when a clan drop out of Clan League.
It is not clear which clan should be 1st to take such clan's place.
At least there is nothing in rules about it.

For example (seeding for CL 12 - 6th and 7th clan from last Clan League before 3rd and 4th from lower division):

On the other hand in this Clan League Polish Eagles (3rd place Division D) were put before Celtica (6th place Division C).

So maybe it will be good to write a rule to prevent biased decisions?
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 12:46:57

Level 61
Celtica hadn't sent in their roster/lineup when the decision was made to move Polish Eagles up. We were expecting them to drop out.
Edit: the decision was made official after the deadline for sending in rosters and lineups.

Edited 8/31/2020 12:47:39
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 13:04:54

Level 62
I understand the circumastances.

I don't say this decision was bad or good (in this situation probably good), but lack of the rule about such situations gives possibility to biased decision:
In which whoever runs the league can put clan he/they like more up at the cost of the clan he/they despise.

Question is: Will the rule about this be made (for next Clan Leagues)?
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 14:18:47

Level 61
lack of the rule about such situations gives possibility to biased decision:
In which whoever runs the league can put clan he/they like more up at the cost of the clan he/they despise.

I'd say I'm unbiased, but nobody is. Truth is, I have nothing against any clan in particular, except for Lynx. (this is a joke, don't start drama)

Will the rule about this be made (for next Clan Leagues)?

Fair question, and I have to leave that in the middle, sadly. As we've seen in the past seasons, there have been an exorbitant amount of rules to deal with every single thing. It never works. I think it's better to leave it to the organizer and the Clan League panel to handle these kinds of cases on a case-to-case basis. Then again, if it turns out everyone wants an official rule to be made for this, I can always write one.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 14:21:34

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Truth is, I have nothing against any clan in particular, except for Lynx.

Welcome to the failure that is Clan league...

Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 14:25:04

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Relegating clans have always kept a relegation spot, even in dropouts.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 14:26:59

Level 62
Ok, thanks.
I have no more questions right now.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 17:49:37

Level 61
What is Clan League?
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 17:50:59

Level 61
Clan League is a competition where we find out which clan in division A or B can score the most drama-points by being angry within their peer-group and outing that in angrier forum posts and discord discussions. Screenshots add bonus points.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-08-31 18:01:23

Level 63
Between day 35 and day 45, a midseason registration window takes place.

What dates are that?

Edited 8/31/2020 18:01:31
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-01 22:36:01

Level 61
is lynx going to win?
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 12:35:22

Level 61
What dates are that?

October 6th - October 16th

is lynx going to win?

I will do everything to make sure Lynx loses!

Edited 9/2/2020 13:08:34
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 12:47:53

Level 63
August 6th - August 16th
Shoudn't that be around October?
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 13:08:40

Level 61
Whoops, yeah.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 13:23:41

Corn Silver 
Level 62
wow. already made your second mistake.
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 13:24:30

Level 61
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 13:26:36

Level 63
So far, Farah made 1 mistake/day, but I expect this number to go up with time.

Edited 9/2/2020 13:26:57
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 14:01:22

Math Wolf 
Level 64
So far, Farah made 1 mistake/day, but I expect this number to go up with time.

Using Bayes' theorem and under the prior that any amount of mistakes are equally likely, I predict that the number of mistakes per day that Farah makes will be quite likely between 0.30 and 3.55 (95% credible interval).
Clan League 13: Q&A: 2020-09-02 15:43:24

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
^only the mistakes that are known
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