For the "Recipe Stats":
Comparing numbers is easier when they are right aligned and adjusted so commas are directly above each other:
1,23 K
12,3 M
123 B
The headline of the "Cost" column is misleading and should be changed to reflect "Selling price of the ingredients needed to make"
The recipes should be sorted differently, at least as they are sorted in the Items/Alloys tab or, even better, all bars first then all items just as they are sorted in the smelters/crafters recipe change windows.
The "Techs need" column should include the products which techs need indirectly: To make X items you need Y bars and Z other items.
I need a column which shows how many products I have yet to produce ie [Techs need - In progress - Inventory]
The first 3 columns are mainly needed in the end game which is why I need a way to choose which columns to show.
As the game progresses more products become obsolete which is why I need a way to show/hide the recipes which techs don't need or a way to choose the recipes I want to see.