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Market Raids question: 2020-09-08 11:23:04

Level 59
What if you have 5 market raid and manage to get a market raid from the daily bonus but you don’t have a market yet? What happens? Asked by krinid
Market Raids question: 2020-09-08 11:34:05

Level 61
The powers you receive with daily bonuses, the coin wheel or raffles will be added to your list. So 6/5 in this case. When you have powers on captured land, you need to go under the limit, so 4/5, before you can claim the power

Edited 9/8/2020 11:34:22
Market Raids question: 2020-09-08 11:38:47

Level 58
Last i checked, the powers from the door is automatically used when you click apply if you have 5/5
Market Raids question: 2020-09-08 11:39:30

Level 63
The powers you receive with daily bonuses, the coin wheel or raffles will be added to your list. So 6/5 in this case.
The daily bonus doesnt stack, only the gits you get (coin wheel, raffles, from Fizzer) can stack over the limit. If the daily bonus gives you a powerup have more than 5 of, you need to use it instantly.

The question is what will happen if you get a powerup you need to use, but cant use (no mines/merc camps/markets). Fizzer might as well have coded it so that you just dont get these powerups if you dont have the buildings to use it on.
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