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Too much frustration.: 2020-09-08 11:53:50

Level 61
Idle makes me more angry than satisfied for some time already. And the last drop was when I uncovered the whole Sengoku and found out there are only 3 smelters and 2 crafters in the whole level. And there were 5 and 3 in Feldmere before.
I get that frustrating is the probably the point so people buy coins, but imo this is just too much.
Too much frustration.: 2020-09-08 14:57:16

Level 64

Warzone Creator
The number of smelters and crafters were indeed reduced in the latest update. However, the amount of ore required for techs/recipes was also reduced by the same amount. The level speed was not changed so it should take you the same amount of time to complete as before. Maybe you should try playing it instead of jumping to conclusions about how it will play out?
Too much frustration.: 2020-09-08 15:55:47

to be deactivated
Level 57
my 2 cents: support development and buy coins?

on a sidenote, what's the matter if the level before had more smelters/crafters. there's more to it

and since i'm here, i'll leave a suggestion to make progression between levels less linear and have a few "faster" levels between harder ones even if they're giving as much AP or even a bit more, but from what i've seen in the levels screen it's possible that this already took place
Too much frustration.: 2020-09-09 22:52:14

Level 59
Too much frustration.: 2020-09-11 16:44:05

Level 61
Well Mars, I really wish I have resources to send Fizzer some money. Original WZ is one of best games I ever played.
I think Knyte has a point - Idle will probably appeal more to completely different type of people than who enjoy original game.
Too much frustration.: 2020-09-12 00:58:41

Level 59
I like the title. It is so versatile. You could even start a love story named "Too much frustration" or spam topic

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