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Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-13 21:47:55

Seasonal Template Curator 
Level 2
Season XLI is drawing to a close, so it is time for us to start thinking about the template on which we will play Season XLII.

The template will be selected following the same process used in the past three seasons. As a reminder, this process is broken into three phases as detailed below.
Phase 1 - The community can nominate templates for the seasonal.
Phase 2 - The template panel will prune the submissions down to a small number.
Phase 3 - Anyone who has completed all 20 games in any one of the last 3 seasonals (Season XXXIX onwards) will be allowed to vote (no alts). We will resolve votes using the Dowdall system- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borda_count#Dowdall_system_(Nauru)

Please consider the following while submitting templates in Phase 1:
  • Quality of template
  • Finish in a reasonable amount of time
  • Diversity of settings (WR/SR, MA, fog levels, armies per territory, income cap etc.)
  • Diversity of maps
  • Diversity across seasons (i.e. don't repeat previous seasons)
  • Phase 1 - 28th September 2020
  • Phase 2 - 5th October 2020
  • Phase 3 - 12th October 2020
There are nearly two weeks until the template submission deadline, so if you are working on a template or have a new and largely unplayed template that you would like to submit make sure you have tested it extensively with many test games, ideally with players who have experience creating or testing strategic templates, as those are the types of people that make up the template panel. For new templates it might also help your case to post multiple several games to help the panel get a better sense of how the template plays.

Let's pick a great template for Season XLII. I hope everyone participates in this process and we can have a good season! Please nominate templates on this thread by providing a link to a finished game with the exact settings.
Thread for Season XLI:
Phase 1:
The community has nominated these templates:
  • Unicorn Island
  • EA&O - WR
  • Phobia WR
  • Pangea Ultimate WR
  • Baltic Sea
  • Basileia
  • British Raj
  • Malvia
  • Yin'angzhou
  • Belarus
  • Cat Fight
  • World of Warhammer
  • Crazy Fun Mayotte

Final Results:
The next season will be on Unicorn Island.

Voting Results:
Unicorn Island     10.33
British Raj         9.50
Yin'angzhou         9.42
Malvia              8.25

Edited 10/21/2020 04:41:28
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-14 00:26:38

Level 65
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-14 20:30:53

Level 64
Randomized Strategic 1v1


Swapped Picks Strategic 1v1

it would also help publicize the mods

Edited 9/14/2020 20:43:44
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-15 21:24:50

Level 63
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-15 21:31:20

Level 65
Sadly, mods aren't possible on the Seasonal Ladder yet.
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-15 21:33:24

Level 64
but... there was a comerce season... and randomized WR
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-15 21:42:10

Level 65
The randomized season happened before mods were even a thing. It was hardcoded and a one-time thing.

Commerce too isn't a mod, it's a built-in feature like commanders.
So template suggestions with commerce are okay.

But anything using a mod, even a promoted one like swapped picks or randomized bonuses, is technically impossible as of today.
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-16 04:48:10

Cloud Strife
Level 61
2v2 seasonal. It's about time we had one.
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-16 07:01:18

Level 65
^ +1
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-16 09:17:22

Level 62
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-16 09:30:52

Corn Silver 
Level 62
+1 on 2v2 seasonal
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-16 12:47:27

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
that seems like fun +1 on 2v2 seasonal
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-17 01:46:38

Seasonal Template Curator 
Level 2
Before people get too hyped about a 2v2 seasonal, remember that that would require a code change from Fizzer, and a more significant one than allowing mods, which he has also not done. I can talk with him, but it seems unlikely that he would make that change in the immediate future, and certainly wouldn’t be possible in time for this coming season.
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-17 02:40:56

Level 60
+1 on 2v2 Seasonal. Hmm: https://www.warzone.com/LadderSeason?ID=4009

I don't have any proposed templates for this season, but thank you Beren for running it!
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-17 08:11:16

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
^ he did do a 4 player FFA seasonal, so 2v2 isn't too big a stretch? But maybe talk with him and see if it can be done for XLIII if it's a lot of work.

I'll at least propose a 1v1 then

Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-17 19:59:30

Level 64
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-19 12:38:38

Level 65
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-19 20:09:53

Level 62
I don't believe patrons of the website should feel overwhelmingly bad for asking Fizzer for requests that require work by him. It's a game, the changes improve the game and makes us more likely to continue supporting the site with such changes as he cares about us, we'll care about him.

On the flipside, I don't believe patrons should make unrealistic requests at a high quantity where the benefit doesn't yield that much for the overall game as a whole.

Let's bring on Unicorn Island!
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-20 17:28:45

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
Season XLII Template Selection: 2020-09-24 21:49:12

Level 62
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