Auto distribution for local deployments: 2020-09-16 22:23:08 |
Level 60
Since you cannot place them anywhere else besides locally, why then not automatically deploy them there? When you have many, it obscures the map. One one hand, it's nice to know what you have, but it would be faster to click auto deploy.
Auto distribution for local deployments: 2020-09-16 22:29:26 |
Level 59
I like your reasoning.
Auto distribution for local deployments: 2020-09-16 22:59:59 |
Level 60
Auto pilot does not auto distribute local deployments.
Auto distribution for local deployments: 2020-09-17 01:19:50 |
Level 60
I am mistaken. AP does deploy them. But not strategically. Besides, Autopilot AI is weak and has limited capabilities, therefore is of no use.
As for the second part of your ^ reply,
How does the AI make a turn advance in a singleplayer game then if Local Deployments are turned on.
I do not know.