Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 17:19:58 |

Kenny • apex
Level 59
Aye, I know. It's a different title than usual. I felt the old one was too big and now I am opening the floor for anyone to host this should I not be around. I will be around for this tournament. I felt it was time to get more organized on running this, with 2 successful runs under our belts we finally understand how to do this correct. Thank you all for being patient with us the first two times, but we've finally worked out all the kinks. (Hopefully. :P)
Time & Date: 12:00PM US/Central @ September 22nd, 2012.
How does this differ from GMT-6 you may ask? Substantially. With DST, US/Central is in GMT-5 and not GMT-6. I made the mistake of saying GMT-6 because I am an ignorant American who forgot that time is relative and not concrete. My bad. This means that the time I just listed is at 5:00PM GMT. I realize that that hour is a substantial difference when it comes to scheduling, and I apologize for the issues of the last 2 tournaments. I hope this will be clearer.
Methods of joining:
The easiest way to join this tournament is to post here. You will be thrown into my invite list directly, and be thrown into the total count of participants. This will help me gauge how many people will be playing and how big to make the tournament.
There are two other ways to join. I will be making a "Lobby" to test whether or not the participants signed up are active. This will show up in the tourney listings. So either you can be invited to it, or join it outright.
Even if you post here and get thrown on my invite list your spot is not guaranteed. You have to prove to me you're on at that time. I will be inviting everyone I know on Warlight into this "Lobby", to guarantee your spot you must join that tourney.
You may be disqualified from ever entering the tournament again if you:
1. Fail to join the actual tournament.
2. Get booted during the actual tournament.
It is up to the host's discretion.
Currently, Mythonian, Kcscrag, and I are the commentators. If you're interested in becoming a commentator (especially useful when one of us doesn't feel up to doing it), invite me to a game or add me on skype at Lolowut. You must have skype in order to become a commentator, I'm not willing to play around with unfamiliar programs. Only things you'll have to prove to me is that you have enough knowledge of 1v1 in order to accurately analyze a game, and not have a boring voice.
Q: What happens if we don't get a nice number of people that would make the brackets logical?
A: Everyone who joined the Lobby will be thrown into the actual tournament, if the number of people is greater than the bracket, then it becomes a contest of joining fastest. I'm not willing to set up byes and odd brackets and host the tourney through invited games. Sorry, just the way I run it.
Q: Who hosts the stream or tournament if none of the founders(Lolowut, Mythonian, Kcscrag) can?
A: Anyone can host it. I'm sure if I'm unable to host it I'd be willing to give you tips on how to do it. The stream requires a great computer, so be careful.
Q: I don't have a great voice and speak English terribly, but I do want to help the analysis, how do I do so?
A: Add Mythonian or I on skype. Me @ Lolowut and Myth @ Mythonian. We both have skype up during the tourney and can get your thoughts conveyed.
Q: I signed up, but I'm not getting invited. Why?
A: If you were disqualified from entry ever again, I've invited you to a game and informed you. Plead your case, I may be willing to let you back in.
Past Winners:
#1 (Sept. 8th): Zerbi
#2 (Sept. 15th): Szeweningen
Congrats to the winners, both played superbly in those past tournaments.
I'll see you September 22nd!
- Lolowut
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 20:20:36 |
Level 64
Warzone Creator
Unfortunately I can't make it this Saturday but I'll watch the recap the next day.
Make sure the presenter enables the new "Default to history" option under the settings tab. With this, you can show a game without spoiling who won at the start.
I was thinking about this more. If you truly want to not spoil the winners of games, you'd also have to never show the tournament screen. This can make it hard for the audience to follow along since they'll never be able to see the standings.
I think the best way to handle this would be to maintain a separate copy of the tournament standings in paint or notepad or whatever, and show this one to the audience.
Initially it would just contain the first-round matchups. Then after each game is analyzed or if the decision is made not to analyze a game, the presenter would fill in that game on the copy. This way the audience is walked through the entire tournament at the same time.
I can understand if you don't want to take on this additional work. It was just a thought.
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 20:39:12 |

Level 26
I'd definitely try it out if it weren't saturday evening in europe..
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 20:50:36 |

Level 55
Already enabled the "Default to history" option to make sure I don't forget later.
I'll see if I can work something out about the bracket. Should have something worked out before the tournament happens, though.
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 21:17:06 |
[WG] Reza
Level 60
I'll be up for this one :)
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-18 23:47:35 |

Level 55
I think I'll have time that day, so I'd join. If something else comes up, I'll let you know timely.
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-19 00:13:03 |
Level 64
Warzone Creator
10am west coast time, not 11am
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-19 02:47:39 |
Level 60
I'm afraid I can't compete in this one either :/ I've been at the SEMO Fair the first two tournaments and then I'm going to a different fair at the same time this tournament will be going on :/ I should be here for the next one though.
I must say you both have done a good job with it though...You got Fizzer, szeweningen, Heyheuhei, Ace Windu, Hroptatyr, who are all top players. And you have many more good players too. Keep doing these because these tournaments are working out great :)
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-19 03:05:16 |

Master Ree
Level 59
Sounds like its gonna be a party. Don't wanna miss out so im in!
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-19 16:08:52 |

Level 54
same bais the time the tourney is on it is always night or evening and i iwish i had skype so i can send my thoughts not my voice i have an accent that will distract the people from the game and make you die of laughter.
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-19 21:07:40 |
Level 57
I am in, if i will be free :( :/
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-20 13:30:02 |

Addy the Dog
Level 62
i cant make it to this one, sign me up for the 4th one.
Streamed Live 1v1 Tournament #3: 2012-09-20 15:19:36 |
Level 4
I'd like to join please. I have time.
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