3. Fighting. Max. 22 points.
Depending on your fighting skills you can either win or lose the game. If you'll stay wise, you can defeat your enemy easily.
3.1. Offense. Max. 3 points.
Try to guess what's your opponent's income and how he'll defend his territory. It's very likely that he'll try to defend his territory when he'll see you if he has the whole bonus, so it's risky to attack him once you see him, because your opponent may put all his income to defend his territories. So only attack him if you're sure that you'll have more armies than he.
If your opponent doesn't have that bonus, he may:
a) try to by pass your armies by taking nearby neutral territories.
b) put his income to bonuses which are close to that un taken bonus.
3.2. Defense. Max. 3 points.
Try to defend your territories. Letting your opponent to take your bonus is like surrendering or asking for defeat. If you see that you'll be unable to defend your bonus, because your opponent already has too many troops, let him break it, but do your best to stop him from taking all territories in that bonus and breaking others your bonuses. Also try to counter attack him.
3.3. Ambushing. (1 point for each successful ambush, Max. 3 points).
Try to guess what bonuses does your opponent have and ambush him. Ambushing is a very good tactic, because it has high chance to break enemy bonus and make him defend/fight in multiple places of map.
3.4. Intercepting ambushes. Max. 2 points.
When you're ambushed, you're usually are unprepared to stop your opponent from breaking your bonus, because he has enough armies to break it. Don't let him to take your whole bonus! (use tips from 3.2. criteria)
3.5. Breaking bonuses. Max. 2 points.
Try to break your opponent's bonuses when you can do it. Attack one of his territories at full force and other territories with low amounts of troops, because your opponent may:
a) Defend one of his bonus territory at full force.
b) Attempt to defend all his territories and split his income on them.
3.6. Taking enemy bonuses. Max. 2 points.
Try to take previously broken bonuses from your opponent. It's likely that he'll rather try to defend his non-broken bonuses than to defend already broken ones.
3.7 Maneuvering. Max. 2 points.
Maneuvering is good at both defending and attacking. Moving your armies wisely can make it much easier. Try to transfer/attack territories in which your opponent wouldn't expect you to go.
3.8. Chasing. Max. 2 points.
Try to guess where your enemy is going to go and stop him from going to that territory.
3.9. Victory/ Upper hand. Max. 3 points.
You can get bonus points for winning exam game or having upper hand in it:
3 points – You won exam game.
2 points – You had upper hand but still lost.
1 point – You had higher income than your opponent for more than 3 turns.
4. Remaining criteria. Max. 5 points.
Some of criteria doesn't fall to any of first 3 criteria categories.
4.1. Survival skills. Max. 2 points.
Ability to survive long and delay your opponent from taking more bonuses is very useful skill in team-games and can help your teammates to win.
4.2. Scouting. Max. 3 points.
Scouting is then you're searching for your opponent's bonuses/armies with your armies and don't take bonuses in you path. It can help you to find enemy much faster.
==== Free Play games ====
After exam games, you'll be invited to Free Play games, in which you'll have to fight my clan members and other applicants. They'll mostly be 6 FFAs or 3v3 team-games and each game will check different skills. For each game you can get from 0 to 5 points depending on your performance.
List of Free Play games, you'll have to play:
1. 6 FFA Multi-Attack mode, random map.
You can get 3 points for maneuvering and 2 points for ambushing skills.
2. 6 FFA Heavy Fog mode, random map.
You can get 2 points for offense, 2 points for defense and 1 point for maneuvering skills.
3. 3v3, cards, random map.
You can get 3 points for team-game skills and 2 points for card use skills.
4. 4 FFA, 1 army/territory mode, random map.
You can get 2 points for expanding, 2 points for maneuvering and 1 point for chasing.
5. 3v3, city distribution, cards, random map.
You can get 3 points for bonus picking and 2 point for team-game skills.
6. 6 FFA, full distribution, cards, random map.
You can get 3 points for territory picking and 2 points for card use skills.
7. 2v2, cards, Complex Europe map.
You can get 3 points for territory picking and 2 points for expanding skills.
After all these games end, you'll be invited to a 1v1 game vs me in which I tell you your total points for previous games and will also tell your points for additional criteria:
1. Speed, Max. 1 point.
You'll get bonus point if you'll make your moves quickly and won't make other players to wait for you longer than 24 hours.
2. Statistics. Max. 3 points.
You can get points for your 1v1 or overall win rate depending on which one of them is higher:
60+% - 3 points
45-59% - 2 points
35-44% - 1 point
3. Communications. Max 2 points.
You can get these points for talking a lot in chat room and being friendly.
4. Team-game skills. Max. 4 points.
You'll get these points depending on your overall performance in all team-games.
5. Card-use. Max. 5 points.
You'll get these points depending on your overall performance in all card games.
==== Single-player Campaign ====
In final game I will also tell you how many points you'll get for you single-player campaign achievements. You can get points for completing getting gold star on Single-player levels. On last 3 maps you can get points for completing them without golden star, but for that you would get lesser points.
Points given for Single-player campaign results:
(level name; points for completing – points for completing with golden star)
Level 1 0-1
Level 2 0-2
Level 3 0-3
Europe 4-6
Crazy 5-7
Insane 6-8
=== How does level system work ===
Depending on your total points you will be put to level 1-7 group:
(Level; percentage of Max. Points required; Points required)
Level 7 100-90%; 127-114
Level 6 89-80%; 113-102
Level 5 79-70%; 101-89
Level 4 69-60%; 88-76
Level 3 59-50%; 75-64
Level 2 49-36%; 63-46
Level 1 35-26%; 45-33
Ai Level 3 25%-16%; 32-20
Ai Level 2 15%-6%; 19-8
Ai Level 1 5%-0%; 7-0
Note: Players who will get Ai level, will have to redo exams and /free play games.
You'll mostly have clan games with players of same level or 1 level higher/lower than yours. Same level players will get invited to round robin 1v1 clan tournaments. Highest level players will be able to participate in clan vs clan tournaments.
If you will keep losing a lot, you'll have to repeat exam games with higher level when yours player.
Your amount of points may change over time, because sometimes you'll get invited to Free Play games in which you may score less or more points than in previous games. Your points will also change if you will complete more single-player levels or get more golden stars.
===== Clan Tournaments =====
There are several types of tournaments in clan. Each of them, except level round robin tournaments, will give you tournament points, on which you'll get tournament rating points (short form – TRP).
The Mini 1v1/2v2/3v3 Tournaments.
Type: round robin
Number of rounds: 5
Map: random map for each round.
It's one of the most elite clan tournaments where TOP 6 clan players/teams compete for 1st place In Zen Dynamics.
The TOP 8 players/teams Championship
Type: Single Elimination
Number of rounds: 3
Map: random map for each round.
Being invited to TOP8 players/teams championship is a great honor for any Zen Dynamics player. 4 spots are reserved for TOP 4 players/teams from The Mini Tournament. For the remaining 4 spots, other players have to compete in qualification rounds
Strategic 1v1/2v2
Type: Double elimination
Number of rounds: 3 or 4
Map: Medium Earth
It's a 1v1/2v2 strategic clan tournament.
The (name of the map) Tournament
Type: Double Elimination
Number of Rounds: 4
Map: Random map.
It's a simple tournament in which players play games on randomly chosen map. It's purpose is to make players think more and improve their gameplay.
===== List of Players =====
Currently we have 20 members.
Zen-D]*Justin Gawner*
[Zen-D] DJidAnE
http://warlight.net/Profile.aspx?p=2913643512 (Inactive)
http://warlight.net/Profile.aspx?p=275829558 (Inactive)
[Zen-D] *appiecommander*
http://warlight.net/Profile.aspx?p=9613625237 (Inactive)
[Zen-D] 23victor9
[Zen-D] *NaPoleon*
http://warlight.net/Profile.aspx?p=522187149 (Has got Membership)
[Zen-D] Warrior
[Zen-D] TheJoker
http://warlight.net/Profile.aspx?p=5410256312 (Inactive)
That's all you have to know about us. If you need help or more information, feel free to ask it in this thread.
This thread is only for people who are interested in joining Zen Dynamics.