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Membership price: 2012-10-05 06:07:03

Level 57
Oh dear, Now it seems my seriousness and lack of a sense of humor is evident to all

Membership price: 2012-10-05 06:34:23

Level 58
wl membership = about 13 big mac combo meals in taipei

if i didnt have a chance to win a membership i never would've bought one. members used to make good tournaments to join and i never enjoyed medium earth games to want to pay to play. if there was a 3v3 europe ladder i would have bought a membership. if ladders reflected what people most enjoy playing, there'd be more members.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 06:51:23

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
:P at Galahad
Membership price: 2012-10-05 07:00:25

Level 55
5.81 in Korea
Membership price: 2012-10-05 07:01:57

Level 55
And yet the same site tells me this:

Combo meal in fast food restaurant (big mac meal or similar) in other cities
In Guiyang the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Abuja the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Casablanca the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Shiraz the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Buenos Aires the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Kuching the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Dalian the price is 100% lower than in Seoul
In Hanover the price is 100% lower than in Seoul

Which makes me want to live in those cities where the Big Macs are free? :O
Membership price: 2012-10-05 08:35:07

Level 33
I would sign up for $5 monthly, indefinitely.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:16:09

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
There is no Maccydee restuarant in Saigon, Vietnam where I live. We have Burger King but only inside the airport!! However, Pizza Hut, Dominoes and Kentucky greasy chicken are available throughout Vietnam.

Thats the state of fast food in Uncle Ho Chi's territory.

Does "hard line" socialism halt the spread of capitalistic fast food venues? Discuss.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:19:13

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Oh Zoidberg, would that $5 a month be subject to inflation becuase $5 in 5 years time might be just enough to buy a small packet of salted peanuts.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:44:21

Level 33
Eh, it seemed like a reasonable donation, if all members were paying 5/mo we'd maybe cover the monthly expenses. Then again, I have no idea what it costs to maintain warlight.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:47:23

Level 54
I not only didn't mind paying $30, I bought another member a lifetime membership. Compared to the amount of time I spend playing this game, that's nothing, and I'm glad to support Randy for making it. If he wanted me to pay more, I would.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:52:36

Level 54
Plus, I play drunk a lot and say awful things, and instead of getting banned like I would on other sites, here I got a warning. That's refreshing.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 09:57:26

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Perhaps Fizzer could introduce a cut off date for all new lifetime members and there after new members would have to do the new monthly or yearly rate. This might encourage some to sign up quick.
Membership price: 2012-10-05 15:22:50

Level 60
Warlight membership is cheap. I mean cheap. $30 is £19.5 which is exstremly cheap.

But instead of go on about it i though i would put it into perspective.

Warlight is nearly a third of the price of a new out Playstation or Xbox game.
Warlight is half the price of a new out computer game on disc.
Warlight lasts alot longer then eney game you will buy on steam.
Warlight is the same price as a new box game.
Warlight is on averge 1000% cheaper then other popular life membership game premiums.

Just remeber this next time you just moaning.
Membership price: 2012-10-06 00:37:26

Vanellope von Schweetz 
Level 60
$30 dollars is 18.17 IEP.

This is not that much to me.

I have to imagine that fizzer has to charge what he charges to make profit! Im sorry lads.
Membership price: 2012-10-06 01:23:23

Dr. Hyde
Level 2
íoc praghas. tá sé cluiche maith.
Membership price: 2012-10-06 20:33:17

Level 61
$30 is $30
Membership price: 2012-10-07 12:29:23

Master Ree 
Level 59
Yes $30 is $30 but if fizzer said i need money or the site would shut down a lot of people would probably find an extra thirty dollars and Im guessing that some members would donate as well.

Also like it was said previously, it doesn't take much to save $30 if you are old enough to work/make money. As for me I do appreciate this site a lot. I love risk-type games and for about a year searched and searched and couldn't find one that was good or what I wanted. Then I found warlight and I was sold.

I didn't buy a membership right away (as i was unsure of my commitment at first) but once I found out that not only was it started by one idea that turned into this huge community, but that the man with the idea asks for nothing in return (that and I also got to make luck 0%... I hate luck), it was a no brainer for me and I became a member that night.
Membership price: 2012-10-07 15:13:43

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
Good newwss everyone

i can afford 5 dollars a month thats why i saved up and bought my membership if you dont like the price you dont have to buy a memebership deal with it
Membership price: 2012-10-07 15:14:04

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
lol i meant Cant in my first sentence
Membership price: 2012-10-08 10:43:57

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Here is another proposal:

Gold membership.
Cost: another $30 to upgrade Membership to Gold.
Benefit: you get a gold star next to your name and maybe another special feature if Fizzer allows.

Optional: may only apply for Gold if Member for 1 year.

I would be happy to support the site and Fizzer's hard work, love and dedication for the game with another $30 for the simple reward of a Gold Star. :)

Standard Membership,
Cost: $30
Benefit: Same as current membership

Associate membership
Cost: $10
Benefit: allows luck to be modified aswell as donating to site.

The extra benefit for Gold Membership could be debated hypothetically in this thread...
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