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Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 11:55:25

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
I was wondering how old were Warlight players. What is the average age of members in each of the clans?

If senior members of each clan could post a summary or just a number that would be very helpful or even better could canvess clan members and then reply post a set of statistics showing range of ages and all average values (mean, mode and median please). Sorry if i appear abit OCD.


Thanks for your help :)

BTW I feel old
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 11:56:47

[WG] Warlightvet 
Level 17
There's already a "does age affect skill" topic in the forum, you should probably check that.
Personally i think that after a certain point age doesn't make much difference in how one plays the game, maybe more in chat.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 12:12:58

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Just looking at statistics on age, not comparisons of age with skill.

I seem to bump into a lot of players between 13 and 23. I just wnadered if there were many oldies like me.

Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 14:52:43

Level 61
I'm 33, don't know age of rest of clan.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 15:07:10

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
im not in a clan but im 27....

but is it me or u r just trying to add up pointless statistics?
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 15:33:35

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
Warflow, why would that post help him? He said nothing of skill, merely age.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 22:03:35

Level 63
I don't see why this is relevant, and seeing as I am 22, our clan's average would be.....22.

And what is your age? You didn't say anything, so I am assuming you to be 40, seeing as that is the age I find the youngest you can be considered old.

And as for the OCD I have it too. I like my room (dormitory) neat and everything must be straight. Even the smallest details need to be exact.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 22:05:25

Master Miyagi • apex 
Level 59
13 baby youngest around! :D
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-03 22:06:18

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
hell im 14 but for all i know arum is like 40 its hard to tell on this game
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-04 02:32:28

Level 59
ummm.....for REGL I'd guess about mid-20s as an average.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-04 02:39:26

Level 61
Warlight. Such an underrated game...
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-04 02:48:02

Level 61
wilf how old are you? I'm 15
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-04 16:45:19

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
I am 43! I wish my warlight skills matched my age.

The post was not entirely about finding useless statistics. I was hoping to chat with some warlight players who are nearer my age. I still enjoy chatting with the youngsters dont get me wrong.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 02:13:00

Level 61
ok good :)
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 08:33:41

Level 33
@[V.I.W]*AWESOM€GUY* 40 is old?

No one told me :( I'm heading to be old in roughly a third of the time I've existed. Thank you so much!
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 09:25:18

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Zoidberg. You have strong healthy genes if you plan to live till 120.

True 40 is the new 30! So maybe im still young at 43. :)
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 15:33:09

{rp} Clavicus Vile 
Level 56
From what I gather, rp members range from their 20´s to older than yourself. I Couldn´t tell you an average, however.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 15:47:14

The Nemesis123 
Level 8
Im 5.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-05 16:38:18

Level 60
I think I am the baby in [BR]. The other guys and girls stack up 2 or 15 years more than me. I'm 21.
Average age of clan members: 2012-10-06 23:43:56

Tick - retired 
Level 56
Everyone in FBG is 38.
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