I searched all the best WL maps, and I could barely come up with seven good LD templates. There aren't enough maps that have what good LD games need:
(1) 70-120 territories (too big and the LD game lasts too long and it becomes boring)
(2) a good mix of choke points and interconnected lands
(3) no/few 1:1 or 1:2 bonuses (and if there are these low bonuses, they should be on the periphery or located in a buffer area)
(4) bonus value = territories - 1
(5) bonuses of 2:3, 3:4, 4:5, 5:6 only
Examples of maps that have some of these criteria but not all:
- Imperium Romanum: too many small bonuses --> late game transfers become annoying and lack strategic importance, map is too big east to west (it takes too long to move across the map)
- Vietnam
http://warlight.net/Map?ID=6870: good size (70 territories), but too narrow for LD and bonuses are too large
- Heavy Earth: too many territories (154), bonus values would have to be adjusted
- Battle Islands maps: perfect in terms of spacing/connections, but each one is too big
- Phobia
http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=19129: good in so many ways, but the number of larger bonuses (5-7 territories) is too much for a good, strategic LD game
- Treasure Map
http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=24131: maybe just a bit too big (137 territories) but if this map were a bit smaller, it would be ideal
- Korean Peninsula
http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=24131: at first I thought this map was perfect. I even made a template. Then I got to picking and realized it was a mess: too many larger bonuses, too many combos/counters. It lacks bonus balance: small bonuses (2-4 territories), medium (4-5), and larger bonuses (6-7). So I asked to vote to end to avoid playing a bad LD game.
I was rather surprised to find that the most interesting LD games I have played so far were on my Ancient Greece II
http://warlight.net/Map?ID=9623. The map's size is ideal. The bonus sizes and balance (small, medium, larger) are ideal. There is spacing, choke points, and interconnected areas. It is so good for LD that I even made an auto-distribution template that seems as strategic as manual picking.
Edited 6/20/2014 08:12:06