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lins ladder diary: 2020-09-29 09:20:12

Level 63
Dear Diary,

I have rejoined the MDL, which is nowadays called MTL. Confusing.

My first game was on Biomes, against POTTS. I feel like I have no idea how to play Biomes, but luckily I won.

My tip: pick the red ones first.

Yours truly

lins ladder diary: 2020-09-29 11:24:26

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
I liked our game better
lins ladder diary: 2020-09-30 20:44:42

Level 63
Dear Diary,

another day is over. Warlife is so exciting!

You wonder where you can join the MTL?
Its on http://md-ladder.cloudapp.net/

MTL what does that even mean? Multi Template Ladder
You see, thats what makes it special. All the ladders run by the oficial warzone.com site are single template ladders.
Yes, since the RTL is dead!

Anyway, my second game was against Asurados on Timid Lands. I like the template, its fun!
You can review it here:
One gets 5 starting locations and the kill rates are very innovative...

My tip: play real-time, it rocks!
lins ladder diary: 2020-09-30 20:51:32

Level 61
Turn 8 by your opponent was a great way to show the importance of the OP card with these kill rates
lins ladder diary: 2020-09-30 22:46:12

Level 59
Dear Diary,

Name is lin. Joined a game. Didn't know how I won. I'm pretty average. But I won. Which is weird. My tip: commit every turn.

Also, water is blue.
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-01 23:02:17

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
And grass is purple and tastes like shark
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-13 20:00:34

Level 63

Dear Diary,

today I played Post-melt Antarctica. Yes, the climate crisis is real.
The map uses graphics directly from the 90-ies and the opponent was clamburglar from Hydra, a clan as dead as the RTL.

My tip: someone should redo these graphics!

Save the Real-Time Ladder. by Hydra

Edited 10/13/2020 20:02:41
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-18 18:20:38

Level 63

Dear diary,

this game features a clanless player from alaska. Sketchy.
How does someone like this even find the MTL?

We are playing fast earth and Sketch goes for a quintruple china pick.
Was this the right choice?
Fast earth is always fun!

My tip: Almost never quintruple pick. Really.
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-18 18:39:23

Roi Joleil
Level 60
him attacking with 3 (or 1-2) and not taking the +5 two turn triggers me to hard. cant watch to the end. hope you won. ^^
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-19 20:49:00

Level 63
Win against K-Pott

Dear diary,

I played K-Pott from Vikinger.
The alt history of Vikinger was recently discussed on discord in great length, but as far as I remember K-Pott is not an alt.
They mostly seem to have in common that they all like to rage anyway.

My tip: Dont fight the neutrals.
lins ladder diary: 2020-10-20 20:15:04

Level 63
win against Krulle

Dear Diary,

today I played against Krulle, the second player of the TSFH masses. I didnt know they existed before, but apparently they are something like the second coming of darklords. Just in bigger.

Krulle gets eliminated in the south in T2 and plays on for a few turns. Its rt, doesnt hurt.

Frankly I am pleasantly surprised to see so many TSFH players on the MTL, its certainly a good place to get into the strategic part of the game.

Krulles tip: There is a differnce between team chat and public chat.
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