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Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-09-29 16:31:23

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
Does anybody has detailed strategy tips for this map?


I found old threads whit general suggestions, as going through Insula Latinae or going through Insula Securitatis, but nothing seemed to work.

I managed to get The Green Tea's Park and the French quarter while expanding a little to south and east from starting position but after turn 6 AI plays sanction card than there's no way to keep expanding nor defending nor keeping the territories that breaks AI's bonuses.

Any help?

Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-04 17:05:03

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
No answers. I'm wondering if I posted in the correct section of the forum. I saw that the organization of the sections has recently changed and I dont'see the strategy one anymore. Any advice welcome. Thanks!

Edited 10/4/2020 17:06:21
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-04 20:08:26

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
Maybe you need to work on the way you fight the AI.

Just replayed it, marched through Insula Latinae and wrecked the AI eco while expand at max myself.

Took me 14 turns to finish it off.
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-06 18:16:08

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
Thanks Timinator.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that there is something wrong on the way I fight the AI.

The problem is after turn 6 when Ai plays sanction. After that my armies per turn are too much lower than AI so I can't do anything and in a couple of turns AI plays big stucks to take back his bonuses on the east.

I've tried to leave 1 army per territory in the starting area in order to move them later and be sure to always have the last attack but it hasn't worked.

After 153 levels passed I'm quite frustrated! I think I need more detailed instructions.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-06 18:41:26

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
I was roughly on equal income after i got sanctioned, so there's that.
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-17 21:54:49

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
I really don't get how it's possible to get the same income after AI plays sanction card. I think I need really detailed instructions, turn by turn, because I tried it thousands of times and there is no way!
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-30 18:43:19

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
Since I didn't get enough detailed anwers I try asking more detailed questions.

It's absolutely clear to me that the main strategy should be concentrating on break AI's bonuses while expanding but even knowing that I'm not able to realize it!

So I try to show my game and ask some questions.

Turn 1: I deploy 2 on Lord Turnip Cargo Port, 2 on Cowboy's Tower and 14 on Pikachu's Factory.
I start moving towards East from the North (Everglades Rock) and from the Middle (Sniper's Clearing) and towards South through Casino Strip. I also start moving all the single army in the starting territories to reach Krunx's White House.

Is that starting strategy ok?

Turns 2-6: I keep expanding in the 3 directions trying to break Ai's bonuses through Insula Latinae and insula Securitatis.

Is that ok or is it better to break AI just through one of the two Insulas? And if I break trough Latinae is it better to break just one bonus or the two?

Turn 6: I manage to have Biodome, Conservatory of Restoration, Mar's General Goods, Dark Valley, Unity Bridge, Insula Sicuritatis, half of Electric Airfield and half of Hidden Polish Village.

At turn 7 I have 21 reinforcements while AI has 29.

From that point I can't do anything, either expanding, or defending my bonuses, or defending the AI's broken bonuses. In a couple of turns AI uses his superiority in reinforcements (plus previously deployed stuks) to overtake me and get back his bonuses.

Finally the problem is that there are at least 5 fronts of battles and it's impossible to resist in all the 5 fronts.

So is there any crucial territory or bonus that I must keep?

Is there any strategical way to manage the attaks?

Is it better to deploy a little reinforcement in all the front territories or concentrating the majority of reinforcements in any crucial zone?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-30 19:41:39

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
I only take latinae. let the AI waste armies on securitas
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-30 21:57:26

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
That's what I do. I usually take Securitas after AI takes it
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-30 23:23:22

Tony Rootsa 
Level 59
I finally completed this level.

My main mistake was trying to break Ai bonuses in South East. The key is just to take Biodome and Conservatory of Restoration and keep them without expanding around.

I deployed little reinforcement to both of them turn by turn while expanding little by little in other regions.

I took in order: Electric Airfield (turn 7), Unity Isle (turn 8), Franch Quarter (turn 9), Dragon Island (turn 10), Desert of time (turn 11).

Only at that point it was possibile to start fighting equally since I was getting the same income as AI and I was close to break AI bonuses on Spectacular Mountain Range, Lynx Holy Grounds and Olympus Hell.

I was pretty sure that only some irrational play by AI could let me win (considering the Sanction card) and that's what actually happened. AI concentrated big stucks around Biodome for many many turns without attaking me even if he had three time of my armies (non-sense).

AI wasted a huge number of armies around Biodome without attaking me and so he poorly defended other regions letting me expanding little by little.

I think that taking Unity Isle and than Dragon Island were two key points of the game.

Finally I think that if AI attaks you early on Biodome whith his big stuks it's better to restart.

I hope to help somebody with these suggestions.
Single player strategy- The Concordia Duel level: 2020-10-30 23:27:13

Corn Silver 
Level 62
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