Level 60
Apollo: 101st will be a top clan in the future. Me: No way. Apollo: Yes, we already have good players. Me: 101st sucks
Now look at me :) Enjoying life in 101st :)
Clan fights are the best. It's been a while since I got into one :)
Time to maybe start one (Clan rankings based on average of their top 5 (my opinion, not necessarily in order) players) 1. 20 (Sze, Timi, Voodoo, Myhand, Odin) 2. WM (Gnuffone, Fridge, Latnox, Falker, Longhouse) 3. Apex (Dead piggy, Frankdeslimste, Widzisz, Brisk, Grona) 4. GG (Michael, Flyingbender, Julkorn, Oliebol, Braak) 5. WG (Summer, Ineffable, Marc, Tenshi, Verzeher) 6. Lynx (JSA, dwoogee, GreenTea, Dom365, Kantos) 7. Master (Slammy, Masterofdesaster, TheWarlightMaster, Miyagi, Bjarke) 8. AHOL (CHRIS37, Lobstrsoity, NoobSchool, Ace Windu, CONQUISTADORS) 9. French (Wazz, Ze, Phaeril, Niko, 125ch) 10. 101st (76myth, Darkpie, Good Kid, NoMercy, Mr. Malchance) 11. REGL (Hennnns, nich, hedja, min34, Memele) 12. Blitz (desi, Garrett, Bananashake, QB, wakanari) 13. XS (Oh Noes, Muli, Lukasinho, Ra, Beren) 14. Stahlegwitten (farragut, George GOATFINGER, Luke the Gravedigger, THe Duke of Ben) 15. XCD (Jehovah, Gentleman, Gruffalo, Charlie Brown, Project Railgun) 16. VIW (Lord Syvedyas, Dosphorus, Chicken, Pushover, Gror) 17. Warlighters (Panda, Ekstone, Silver, kevin#1, Polakillo) 18. BIA (Synesthesia, Temp, Botanator, tartan, DrummingManiac) 19. RP (Discord, The Magician, Mac, Chewie, Causation) 20. BR (Xande, Furacao, Giovanni, Japone, SexMachine)