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Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 18:29:11

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
I don't know if there is a function somewhere to appeal or who to write to, so I' ll do it here. 2 questions I'd like answer from a mod and overturned ideally.
I want to appeal both my warning, which I got today and a later 12h timeout from public global chat. In the warning it said "highly offensive language used". I don't remember using any offensive language, 1st question I'd like to know what exactly was said that qualifies as highly offensive.
Then 2nd question, the timeout (12h). Completely unclear why I was timed out. Is posting memes forbidden?
- downvoted post by Freakishly large brain
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 19:22:31

Level 44
There's no actual appeal warning function. Based on Fizzer's response to some of the Play Store reviews, if you think you've been warned/suspended/muted/etc. unreasonably, you should mail Fizzer to bring it to his attention. But keep in mind that most warnings (albeit not mutes) have to go through Fizzer approval anyway, so odds are that Fizzer's already signed off on it- it could've even come from him in the first place.

From the description you gave, it seems unlikely to me that you warning would be overturned. For what it's worth, warnings don't seem to really matter. The only time I've seen them make a difference is in Fizzer's invite criteria for the early Warzone Idle beta (needed to be a Member with <3 warnings)... in which case it seems like having lots of warnings was a blessing in disguise.

In-game: https://www.warzone.com/Discussion/SendMail?PlayerID=4569
E-mail: fizzer@warzone.com

Good luck.

Edited 10/7/2020 19:29:34
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 19:28:27

Level 63
Probably a question you need to answer before you pursue this is - what do you mean by "overturn an appeal"?

Sounds like you've already been warned, you've clicked the "I Understand" button and you're back playing with full access to the site again, and you've already been timed out (muted) in global chat and that time is finished.

What's left to overturn? What are you actually asking Fizzer to do regarding your appeal?
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 19:54:55

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
I reported you, you're welcome. I do not appreciate Nazi content and apparently at least one of the mods agrees.

I don't remember using any offensive language

Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 20:14:19

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
No offensive language was used.

It appears I was reported and warned for having a differing opinion. That apparently some, like you find unbearable.
Rules should be general not arbitrary. Here it appears they were applied arbitrarily.
I'm still waiting for a log/screenshot or similar to show what grounds I was warned and timed out on - what offensive language was used?
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-07 20:19:51

Level 42
I'm still waiting for a log/screenshot or similar to show what grounds I was warned and timed out on - what offensive language was used?
Fizzer has a policy of not discussing moderation actions with third parties. If you want these details, you should go ahead and contact him in person. If you want to share the outcome with the rest of us, that is your choice, but you'll have to do that yourself.

It's highly improbable that Fizzer will see this thread and respond to it with a log and/or a screenshot. Just go ahead and mail him. This thread can't help you.

Also note that politics and religion are never okay to discuss in Global Chat so, if your defense is that you were just expressing a mere political opinion... that's also breaking the rules: https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Rules
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-08 18:58:31

Level 57
Nazi content? interesting.
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-08 18:58:46

Level 57
Mwuana - Craftmanship


Edited 10/8/2020 18:59:00
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-08 22:20:14

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
I did what l6v.r suggested and got suspended for 12 hours as a result (in addition to the warning and time-out). Below is screenshot of why i got suspended - mod somehow seems to think I have done some obvious wrong... just see for yourself, if that gets you suspended, I'm at wits end. What a joke.

But see for yourself and tell me if I missed something.

Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-08 22:52:54

Level 59
Inlining because that image host requires the client download and open the image:

This is definitely not arbitrary moderation since, even if we sidestep the other stuff, sharing political opinions in Global Chat is against published rules (https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Rules#Politics_.2F_Religion). Singling out AI and comparing him to the East German secret police also breaks the rules about being respectful to other players, as does calling Fizzer a "Zionist puppet" who "is now supporting white genocide."

Perhaps the rules about what constitutes disrespect or offensive language could be clearer, but the enforcement here is consistent with prior warnings I've seen:

Maybe you've failed to share something that would support your position but from what I can see it's very clear why you got warned and timed out. The suspension is more surprising, but it's hard to tell whether that's problematic given we don't know what you said to Fizzer and you clearly did pursue this thing aggressively even after getting warned the first time.

Edited 10/8/2020 22:57:44
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-08 22:56:13

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
My warning explicitly said it was for highly offensive language and that political opinions could also be expressed respectfully. So it looks like they were just looking for any reason.
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-09 00:23:44

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
Wonder what became of my report against AI . He personally defamated me as a Nazi.
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-09 00:26:01

Level 57
I didn't see much of this. What I did see was some images being shared. Not particularly inspired, but hardly offensive.

I wasn't watching the chat like a hawk exactly so may have missed something important.

Anyway, isn't this resolved now?
Appeal warning & timeout: 2020-10-09 00:35:05

⬛️⬜️🟥Uhtred of Bebbanburg
Level 60
This is definitely not arbitrary moderation since, even if we sidestep the other stuff, sharing political opinions in Global Chat is against published rules (https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Rules#Politics_.2F_Religion). Singling out AI and comparing him to the East German secret police also breaks the rules about being respectful to other players, as does calling Fizzer a "Zionist puppet" who "is now supporting white genocide."

It's a provocative statement and a controversial opinion, sure, but hardly highly offensive. AI called me a Nazi, so I called him Stasi - since he snitched on people, which is exactly what the Stasi did, so it's in line with his behaviour. Wonder why nothing became of my report against him for calling me a nazi?

Maybe you've failed to share something that would support your position but from what I can see it's very clear why you got warned and timed out. The suspension is more surprising, but it's hard to tell whether that's problematic given we don't know what you said to Fizzer and you clearly did pursue this thing aggressively even after getting warned the first time.

I never specifically wrote to Pfizer, I just reported AI for the reason above, as a result of that report I was suspended. Strange double standard indeed.

Edited 10/9/2020 00:38:27
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