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Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-17 23:27:06

<3 Peace & Love™ <3
Level 59
Dislike that my cheapest hospital always shows that damn notification. Maybe it could be marked as ''seen'' indefinitely after the first time.

Oh yeah, maybe their range could be upgraded as well to make it more appealing.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-18 20:57:28

Level 60
It would be REALLY swell to see something that tells me the savings from all my hospitals in total. I could add them up, but math is hard!

Also, wholeheartedly agree with the "find hospital" button, so I know location before upgrading, since hospitals are the only thing in the game that are position dependent.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-18 22:39:44

<3 Peace & Love™ <3
Level 59
Getting the first 'stats' upgrade does that
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-18 23:04:51

Level 60
Where does it show it, I don't see it? I see where it shows how many armies I saved with hospitals retrospectively. what i want to see is how many I will save on my next territory.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-19 18:25:03

Level 56
It's easy math though lol. Just add them all up and I think @krinid confirmed that hospital effects stack, so just add them all up once and that will be the flat number of armies you're saving every time you attack a territory. Unless you're attacking a territory that's 4 territories or less from a hospital, then you just add the full amount of savings to it. Takes about 10 seconds to count territories, hospital's territory is 0 and the territories it borders are 1, then 2, etc.

For example: I'm playing Siege of Feldmere atm, and my hospitals are:
1- 68k / 34k
2. 954k / 477k
3. 5.32M / 2.66M

So any territory I attack, I save 3.17M. Or right now, I just captured the third hospital, so there are still quite a few territories in the double range. For those territories, I just add the 5.32M instead of the 2.66M, and I'm saving 5.83M on each of those, but the default is 3.17M for territories elsewhere on the map. Any territory with less than 3.17M is free.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-19 19:34:22

Level 60
lol, yes, easy math, but I've got a stack of 7 hospitals, so it takes a minute. I was thinking something like the ore totals stat, to make it a little easier.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-20 00:30:27

Level 61
Keep in mind that some of the “hospital” savings are cannibalizing former Joint Strike savings

e.g. 5M units, 25% JS, 1M hospital

Before, we would’ve saved 1.25M from JS

Now, we save 1M from hospital and 1M from JS. 0.25M of the hospital savings are “fake”.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-20 15:07:57

Level 60
Good point in hospitals cannibalizing joint strike. I would like to lobby that it be fixed, with two supporting arguments:
1) Order of operations. Pemdas, anyone (or Bodmas if you're British)? Multiplication comes before addition, that's just basic facts, man.
2) Logically speaking, if a joint strike enterprise means my attacking armies sustain 25% fewer casualties, my hospitals should still be able to save as many of the casualties as before (maybe even save more because of lower surge).
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-20 20:31:37

Level 63
dwaynerudd for pres!

I support your request & think your logical explanation is sound.

Logistically, the presence of hospitals should change nothing in how a Joint Strike attack works (25% savings), in effect it reduces the casualties from the attacking army. Hospitals should in fact be saving casualties of the attacking armies.

Recap, JS reduces the casualties (up front 25% retention), hospitals further heals the thereafter casualties (post-JS flat rate retention).
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-21 15:29:50

Level 61
The order of operations argument is poor. It’s completely arbitrary whether MD or AS comes first, we would just utilize parentheses differently to express equations. This is completely a human construct, nothing in nature suggests multiplication comes “before” addition.

Regardless, I agree! It makes no logical sense the way it works right now.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-21 15:37:38

Level 63
Ignore the order of operations. That's the not the pertinent part.

The key part is that a hospital isn't on the battle scene reducing casualties the way JS does, they are off-site healing the would be dead back into battle ready armies again.

Thus JS immediately provides a % refund (25% if maxed out), and then from that left over, Hospitals should provide a refund (flat rate based on your # of hospitals & upgrades) from that pool of armies.

Btw, as an aside ... the blend of Attack benefits from both AP advancements (JS) and in-level progress & upgrades (Hospitals) is nice.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-21 18:04:31

Level 59
I don’t mean to sound stupid here, but I’m up to the Africa map and have no clue what you are all talking about. What hospitals?
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-21 18:19:40

Level 63
I don’t mean to sound stupid here, but I’m up to the Africa map and have no clue what you are all talking about. What hospitals?
Map buildings and items are locked in the safe file when you start a level. If a new feature gets added while you are playing a level, you will have to start a new level to be able to use those features.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-10-22 00:41:57

Level 59
Thanks, I just updated the app, signed out, and signed back in. Now there are hospitals and several other changes. :)
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-11-12 22:28:57

Level 57
I feel like hospitals are essential in the earliest levels, somewhat useful later, but over time, they become forgettable and inefficient in mid-game.
Hospitals - initial thoughts?: 2020-11-12 23:02:16

Level 64
I'm at ~56% of a map and hospitals have saved me 30% more than I got from army camps. So definitely significant.
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