I'm out here trying to get my 2vs2 win for one of the Idle Arenas and these are the two games I was given:
https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=24265342https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=24257106In both I came up against the same Italian pair and my teammate either surrendered or got booted before even making picks. And then on turn 1 I am told it is 2vs1 (different one each time).
I have no idea if others have been seeing this as well but given I have only played 3 of these games and these were 2 of them (the other ended up being a 1vs1 because we each lost a teammate), it seems like a little bit too much to be coincidence, but maybe I am just a natural sceptic
Anyone even know if you can queue up as a pair for the 2vs2 QMs?