Hello all this is going to be long so bear with me
this is a 3v3 competition that is a little different and is for those who love 3v3 are good at teamwork and can lead their team to victory
the objective is to play with a different team every season the ranking system
which will be explained is to add an individual aspect aside from the team competition
1st season will go like so:
you sign up as an individual you are randomly assigned 3 separate teams of 3 players
you play with each team a separate round robin tournaments of 4 teams
9 games for each player all together.
after season 1 is over points are awarded
3 for win
1 for lost
-5 for 1st boot -10 for 2nd boot if you get a 3rd boot and you are banned
all players are divided to 5 ranking groups 5 stars top players 1 star for bottom players
stars system will be like so max points will be 27 min 9
80-100% will be 5 star
60-80% will be 4 star
40-60% will be 3 star
20-40% will be 2 star
0-20% will be 1 star
just to clarify this is not the success rate this is referring to points you make divided by max points so at worst you can be a 2 star player
10 top ranked players get to be captains and make there own teams to compete in season 2
each captain gets 10 stars to spend if he is a 5 star player he has 5 more to spend if he is a 4 star player he has 6 stars to spend and so on
players can forgo their right of captaincy if they want but captains will get a 10% bonus on their points
pool of season 2 players will consist of:
players of season 1
new signings will be considered 1 star players
you are also allowed to bring your friends and recruit from outside the pool also at the cost of 1 star
points for season 2 will be 2 for lose 6 for win
(if there will be a lower division they will get 1.5 for lose 4.5 for win)
the 10 teams formed will play a single round robin tournament of 9 games
if there are remaining player they can team up and will get to play in a lower division tournament depends on the level of interest
template will be:
which i stole from lawm
prerequisites (for season 1):
3 month since joining Warlight
45% win rate in 3v3
8% max boot rate
surrender will happen instantly
however surrendering should only be decided as a team consensus
if a player surrenders without saying anything
other players can report him to me
and if difference of incomes between teams is less than 10 that player will be get
- 2 points if this happens again -5 points and 3rd time will result in a ban
after season 2 the 9 top players will become the board
and will take over operating and overseeing the competition
this is not a duty but a privilege so if one declines
honor goes to next top ranked player
board other fundamentals duties will be
choosing template
adding rules
in-forcing rules
rule in case of conflicts
sign up will be open for 1 week
if until than there aren't at least 24 players this will not be created :-(
this will be 1st come 1st served so be clear that you want to join
24 is the minimum goal next is 36 next is 48 and so on
so if you are between you will have to wait for next season
if anyone I know wants to help with this let me know
questions and suggestions are welcome
trolls are not welcome but will be tolerated provided they are smart/funny and are contained to a single post