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Recipe statistic: 2020-10-23 14:01:39

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
First let me state that the recipe stats window itself is a good addition to the game. It reduces the amount of maths players have to do to play the game. It could use some improvements itself though.

1. "Can make" column

It's good to know how many products one is able to smelt/craft from the resources one has. It gives a player a general idea about how long a crafter/smelter can operate until it runs out of materials. It is also misleading as it does not take into account that resources for that particular recipe can be produced and consumed by another recipe(s) at the same time as well.

1.I. Is it possible to add a feature that would take the production rate of resources in the equation as well as their consumption elsewhere? To clarify this - a check would be run to see if such resource is not already being consumed by another production in progress.
1.II. Display a time of how long a smelter/crafter will operate until it runs out. Not just a number of products.
1.III. If 1.II. is deemed unnecessary it would be nice to at least display a time needed to accumulate enough resources to produces one product if one is unable to produce any at the moment.

2. Cost, profit, profit per second

Although such information gives one generally a good idea about how profitable a recipe can be, these values are way off for high-end crafter recipes later in the game since players buy resources for them on the markets. So we still have to do the maths ourselves.

2.I. Could there be displayed an interval instead of a single value in the above mentioned profit columns? Such interval would range from the lowest possible profit (players buy all the resources on the market - if a resource is not available on the market, use a regular sell value as it is now) to the highest possible profit (a player uses only resources from their own production as it is now) on the given recipe.

Any thoughts on this?
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-23 14:18:59

Level 63
Some great recommendations.

1 more addition would be "Currently possess". This stats screen is great to show stats, how many you need for Techs, how many you can make, etc, but we also need to know how many of each we already have so all pertinent info is on one screen. Otherwise I have to go to either the Market and scroll down, or to the smelting/crafting and bring it up (I may not actually be smelting/crafting that particular item at the time).
- downvoted post by Stribatron
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-23 14:57:28

SubLunar Unit 
Level 60
1 more addition would be "Currently possess". This stats screen is great to show stats, how many you need for Techs, how many you can make, etc, but we also need to know how many of each we already have so all pertinent info is on one screen. Otherwise I have to go to either the Market and scroll down, or to the smelting/crafting and bring it up (I may not actually be smelting/crafting that particular item at the time).

Exactly right!
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-23 15:42:33

Level 44
I haven't spent the advancement points to buy the Statistics upgrade, because I've been doing some of the statistic management myself. I made a database (and make new copy for each map) that has all the alloys, all the items, and all the tech levels. Has columns for "Total Target", "Produced", and total "Need/Sell" for each alloy & item.

Required ingredients can be input into each tech column as they're revealed (for example "Drafting", "Basic Recruitment", "Billboards" is column 1). The current produced amount of each alloy/item you update manually. Totals for Need/Sell then auto update.

Items have separate rows for the different alloy ingredients and proportions which also auto-update in the Total Target and Need/Sell cells. I can also do a little math and determine, for instance, the maximum amount of barbed wire that can be produced in an hour (or 2 hours, or 3 etc.), and thus the total amount of copper / tin necessary to avoid Waiting for Resources while idle.

Can easily add total sell price columns, or "urgent" production goals for specific techs, etc. It's possible I may have a little too much time on my hands . . .
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-28 04:05:46

Level 63
It's possible I may have a little too much time on my hands . . .

Sure sounds like it! LOL

The more relevant point is that while this is great work to do, you shouldn't need to do this all this, you shouldn't need to put in all this effort for what are time consuming calculations for humans when done over and over again, but very simple to just include into the game.
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-29 18:59:43

Level 64
    1 more addition would be "Currently possess". This stats screen is great to show stats, how many you need for Techs, how many you can make, etc, but we also need to know how many of each we already have so all pertinent info is on one screen. Otherwise I have to go to either the Market and scroll down, or to the smelting/crafting and bring it up (I may not actually be smelting/crafting that particular item at the time).

I agree with you and Sublunar, this should be added. I think this should go one step further and include the cost of the bars needed for crafted items required for the techs. Just because the column says you don't need any of a type of bar for a tech directly, that doesn't mean you still don't need that type of bar to craft an item you do need for a tech.

For example, you may need 1000 pieces of copper wire for a tech, which costs 3 copper bars each, and the order sheet says you don't need any copper bars. That would lie, as you may not directly need copper bars for any techs you don't have, but you would still need 3000 copper bars for the 1000 pieces of copper wire you do need for the tech.
Recipe statistic: 2020-10-30 21:42:02

Level 44

you shouldn't need to put in all this effort for what are time consuming calculations for humans

Absolutely. But when we started all this (late July?) there wasn't as much statistical info available, especially in the economics (mining, alloys, techs etc). Seemed essential to me. In fact, not sure how the rest of you managed without something similar!
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