A few arguments have been made
1. 1 second is too short
Yeah... that's kind of the point... it's so each turn comes from banked time.
2. 5 minutes is too short
Maybe, but you can set it to whatever you'd like - if you think 10 is better, then go with 10.
3. You don't have time to think during your opponent's turn, so this wouldn't work.
This is a true, good point. However, a few things. First, if you commit faster than your opponent, then you have some time to think about the next move, although still imperfect. Second, making the banked time longer solves this. Third, would be interesting to see this with the take turns mod, although that mod is somewhat unstrategic, but just a thought.
4. Putting in turns takes time
True - upping the banked time solves this, though. I guess if you wanted to estimate how long it takes to put in orders on an average turn, you could make that the amount of time per turn before banked. Really all I'm asking is for the ability to set it lower if wanted.
5. Fizzer won't do it
Yeah, of course he won't, I think we all agree that forum feedback makes a 0% difference on the game. Just thought I'd throw it out there.