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When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 08:05:24

Level 60

I just observed that the form where you can report a player is actually a pretty good collection of non-reasons to report a player?
I'm curious: What is considered a legitimate reason to run to Mama Fizzer and cry for help?

The only valid reasons I can come up with are:
- I think they hacked the game or cheated
- They're impersonating another player
- They used highly offensive language
- They posted adult content or other inappropriate material

And maybe:
They posted something off-topic (like lenghty discussions about politics, for example, but I think that is what the blacklist was invented for?)

Anything else is just part of the game, read the settings before you join?
When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 08:10:11

Level 63
well hacking is impossible, so you cant really report for that

the only other reason I can come up with is spamming

Anything else is just part of the game, read the settings before you join?
Fizzer recently made new rules with regards to lotto and rigged games, so you can report for that as well if you wanted to, but I still think players should just read the settings.....

Edited 10/29/2020 08:11:38
When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 10:10:40

Level 64
Try selecting those options. Instead of a submit message, it tells you why it isn’t reportable. Those options are there to educate people and reduce baseless reporting.

That said, reporting you for off topic post. ;p
When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 13:03:35

Level 63
By far most reports coming in are for rudeness, racism and bad behaviour.
When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 13:07:08

Level 61
I would like to hereby report Min34 for being racist towards Northern Dutchies.
When to report a player?: 2020-10-29 14:19:03

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
I would like to report min for being a southern dutchie
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