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Lost Idle progress after making account: 2020-11-02 19:56:36

Level 15
So, I've been playing the idle game for a few days without an account, but after hitting another arena, I decided I would try to register and see what the other side of the site was about - Which has gotta be the entire point of those arenas, right? Anyway, I registered this account, clicked back over the the idle game, and was greeted with the tutorial. Checking the level select showed my game progress had been totally reset. Now, I can still log out and get back to where I was, but that kinda defeats the purpose of registering this account originally.

Is there any way I could fix this? Copy the contents of one cookie file into another, or something along those lines?
Lost Idle progress after making account: 2020-11-02 19:57:31

Level 59
Maybe email Fizzer?
Lost Idle progress after making account: 2020-11-02 19:58:47

Level 63
When you create your first account from the app, it should sync your ghost account to your new proper account. This should also move over your WZI data.

I suggest you contact Fizzer with this issue, as he is the only one that will be able to help you.

Lost Idle progress after making account: 2020-11-02 20:00:16

Level 15
Thank you everyone but Hotarian
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