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Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-05 22:40:41

Level 35
I am just curious, whether should I buy auto-conquer asap and try challenges or is it just a waste of ap's and a bad idea?
As for now, I get ~200-300 aps from one map completion which takes ~1 week. I don't quite get if failed challenges reward APs or not? If not and you can't beat those with just 1 point in auto-conquer, then it sucks to waste APs in it and better to improve overall stats to complete "vanilla" idle maps faster, but without playing challenges.
If anyone has the knowledge about this stuff, please, share in this topic, thanks!
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-05 22:45:35

Level 63
Each challenge gives 200 AP (iirc) if you complete it. Based on what I've heard from other people, 5% will not be enough to complete the challenges.
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-06 01:08:23

Level 57
200 AP?! I’ve only got 100 for any of the ones I’ve beaten...
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-07 15:16:54

Dj Storm
Level 59
I suspected that challenge levels are not rewarding, sacrificed ~130 AP to test this. Can confirm that 5% conquer with 25% JC and 80% army income is not enough to win any challenges. It looks like auto upgrade is needed, but I'm unwilling to spend 600+ AP to test it. Maybe once I purchase other more appealing upgrades...
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-09 09:46:02

Dj Storm
Level 59
In version 5.06.1, with 5% autoconquer, 25% JC and +100% army income, the first challenge level was almost winnable - about a 10% boost was needed.
In version 5.06.3, that's no longer the case, opponent cuts into player's territory virtually unopposed.
Since Warzone Idle is still in beta, we should try different things looking for bugs, and expect the game to change dramatically - like the example above.
Question for those who completed several challenges before the update: if you replay those, are you still avle to win all of them?
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-09 17:21:54

Level 60
I beat floating rocks a long while ago, but went back and I'm no longer able to beat it.
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-10 05:32:22

Level 57
I’ve gotten all but 3-4 beaten, maxed auto conquer, and auto upgrade is 40%... but I like those advancements in my regular play, cause it keeps me moving when I’m on “idle”
Is it possible to beat challenges with 5% conquer?: 2020-11-19 14:14:51

Dj Storm
Level 59
Tried Huruey's Castle with 5% autoconquer, 25% JC and 110% army income. Lost in 34 days.
Equipped a passive +20% army artefact, army income went up from 15/s to 16/s. Lost in 7 days 3 hours.
My expectation was that I would be harder to beat. Without the artefact the opponent conquers his 1.2k territory before I conquer my 1.1k. With the artefact equipped, I conquer mine before him. This makes me think his income is around +130%. However by the time I'm conquering 50k's, he is conquering 80k's. Something boosted his income, maybe?
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