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Weird Dreams: 2021-02-18 01:51:08

Level 57
Last night I dreamed I was at an outdoor car dealership. There was a red and gold car with a crown but the guy said it was $45000. I said I couldn’t afford it and walked away, trying to get them to lower the price, but then someone else bought it before I could negotiate.

Then I decided to buy a car covered in tomato sauce because it was cheaper. The guy asked $2000 but I told him exactly, “that’s a $1000 piece of pizza” and we agreed on $1000.

Then I tried to clean the tomato sauce off the car by hanging it on a wall, covering it in cement and sticking big wood sticks in it. When I pulled the sticks off, large pieces of tomato sauce came off with them. This whole time I was regretting not just buying the other car. I woke up before I could get all the tomato sauce off the car.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-18 01:55:02

Level 57
The night before I dreamed I was at a cabin in the middle of a snowy forest with my friend. There were millions of tiny holes deep in the snow, as if someone inserted a bunch of combs straight down into the snow. I explained to him that it was because all the insects were burrowing for the winter.

We watched the insects make a lot more tiny holes, then he walked a few feet to a red car. It suddenly got very windy and snowy, and I struggled against the wind to get to the car. It was only a few feet away but I barely made it. I don’t remember any other details.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-18 02:22:28

Level 57
I’ve compiled a few notes about my dreams.

The most common settings are shopping malls, classrooms, forests (sometimes covered in snow, sometimes thick as a jungle, sometimes regular), and school buses.

The most common themes are running but not being able to move fast, running away from people/animals but they always seem to find me, hitting/beating someone up but they never seem to get hurt, and driving/car accidents (usually minor). I used to dream a lot about floating upward but not being able to stop or come down, but I stopped having this dream very often.

A lot of the time my dreams shift back and forth between scenes, some of which are so random I just leave them out because it would make it confusing. For example, sometimes girls will appear and I will make out with them, then they will leave and the dream resumes.

Usually if I am stressed about something irl, I will be stressed in my dreams (late for class, being chased, etc). I usually remember dreams the most vividly when I get waken up in the middle of them. The more I recall the events of a dream as soon as I wake up, the better I remember it.

Often as I am drifting to sleep, I can sense my thoughts becoming less and less sober/coherent. A lot of the time in dreams something will seem logical in a dream when it actually makes no sense at all, but you don’t realize until you think about the dream once you’ve woken up.

A lot of the time I realize I’m dreaming, but I still can’t control what happens in the dream. Usually I will try very over and over to make something happen, concentrating very hard, but the dream just carries on normally. This usually frustrates me within the dream.

The things I remember most from my dreams are the images and emotions. This makes it very difficult to put it into words sometimes, because the actual contents of the dream are jumbled/abstract and sometimes only appear for a second before disappearing.

A lot of the time when I’m writing down my dreams, I simplify things massively and only exclude the main contents, not all the random side stuff. However, sometimes I do remember specific phrases that I said or someone else said in the dream. Usually it’s because it was said shortly before I woke up.

When I reread one of the dreams I wrote in this thread, I almost always vividly recall the images from the dream as if they happened yesterday. Remembering one part of the dream triggers me to remember the rest of it.

Sometimes I am trying really hard to remember part of a dream that I know happened but I forgot exactly what happened in it, I will coincidentally think about something loosely related that will trigger me to remembering the dream.

The people in my dreams are often people I haven’t thought about in a long time. I don’t know if my subconscious is thinking about them or what. The vast majority of my dreams involve people from my middle school and I rarely dream about people from my high school, even though I haven’t seen any of the middle school kids for 3 years and I see the high school kids every day (until Covid).

I remember a few dreams from years and years ago that for some reason have stuck with me even though I’ve never dreamt them since. Maybe I’ll post them here if I get time.

Hopefully that was interesting to read, lmk if you guys relate to any of it or if I’ve just lost my marbles.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-18 16:11:49

Level 57
I had two connected dreams last night and remember both vividly, so this is gonna be a long one.

Last night I dreamed I was in a small building that had a portal in it. It looked like a cube with rippling light in it. There were other people there from my school. We entered the portal and it took us to the setting of Captain Underpants book 12. Well, it didn’t actually but dream me seemed to think it did. It really took us to a platform full of grey fog/mist, so much that you could only see a few feet in any direction.

There were two or three creepy, slowly moving statues on the platform that were trying to track us down. I remember the hunched goblin statue with angel wings, that moved by waddling. The portal was still there but didn’t take us back to the regular world when we entered it. The only way to return home was to wander around the platform and trip the secret part that would take us home.

For some reason, everyone was walking slowly, not just the statues. I guess it was to make sure that we didn’t just trip the portal home but run away before we could enter it. You can imagine how it might be scary to slowly walk around a platform searching for a spot that you couldn’t see, not being able to see very far, and knowing there were a few statues hunting us. I did catch a few glimpses of the statues but found the portal just before the goblin could get me.

I was back in the building with all the people, but when I looked at the portal, I caught a glimpse of one of the people’s shocked faces in it before they disappeared. I asked someone what this meant and they said that someone was stealing the portal. I raced outside to the parking lot and caught the person pushing the portal away in a grocery cart with a teacher. I caught up with them and smacked them on the head with the grocery cart.

I returned to the building and told everyone I retrieved the portal. I went to put it on a shelf of other portals, however all of the portals were oranges. The portal I had retrieved was now just an orange in my hand too. It seemed to make sense in the dream that the orange was the portal in another form, so I peeled the orange and put it on the shelf.

I woke up briefly at this point, and thought about the events of the dream while half conscious. This is how I remember it so well. Anway, I fell back asleep and the dream sort of continued. It was implied that we had all gone through the rift portal again and got taken to the setting of Captain Underpants book 11. This part of the dream didn’t actually happen, but it was understood by drea me that it did.

Again, it didn’t actually take us to the setting of that book, but in the dream it was implied that it did. We were in a big maze-like building, with lots of corridors and secret rooms. The portal took us to a room at the start of the maze, with a firepole leading up to a room above.

There were teachers hidden in rooms throughout the maze, and everybody had a few specific teachers that they had to find. It was a race, we had to try to be the first ones back to the starting room having located all of our specific teachers. I went out into the maze with a friend and we located one teacher that we needed in a pit full of fire. We found a few teachers that weren’t on our list.

Then we heard a big commotion and returned to the beginning of the maze to find everyone gathered around a room right in front of the starting room that had not been there before. Apparently the room was supposed to be a secret but broke. There was a teacher in the room that was supposed to be hidden but was now in plain sight. She was not on my list but I tagged her anyway and then claimed I was done the race.

Everyone got mad because the race was paused until the teacher could find a new hiding spot, and they claimed I cheated. Then a few other kids went sliding down the firepole and claimed they were done, and everyone was fine with it. I woke up at this point.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-27 06:17:47

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
Just had a dream and a half. The first one is when I am on Top Chef (I am well aware of all the dreams with Top Chef). However, I am shopping in an enormous warehouse type grocery store. This store has alot of exposed food, has a ton of empty space, has no people, and is dirty. I ask how much I have to spend and the judges say around $15.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-27 06:20:53

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I ask how many people I should cook for, and they say around 7. (They actually said around 7 and around $15.) I think of cooking a type of currywurst and sauerkraut, and get some exposed sausages just sitting in plastic bags on a shelf. I run around getting everything I need, except for cornstarch, because of my budget.
Weird Dreams: 2021-02-27 06:23:20

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I really want cornstarch for the sauce, but don't get it anyway. I remember the produce section being weird, but I don't remember in what way. I go to the register, then remember I have no sauerkraut because it's at my house and I'm not at my house. That's all I remember. My second dream is a disturbing scene with only penguins, which I will not discuss.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:31:16

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I keep having then forgetting dreams, but this time I remembered one. This whole dream takes place in a GTA V style animated world, but it's not GTA V. It starts with my fictional dad yelling at our neighbor. His name is Frank, and he had a nickname something to do with sad and/or torture Frank. Anyway, a little while later, Frank steals a car and starts driving around the city like a maniac.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:33:59

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I notice this as I'm walking on a sidewalk down a hill, much like a hill in Vinewood in GTA V. He zooms past me, followed by a slew of police. Then I start walking in the road and more police come, but slow down and don't honk at me. I get out of the after a little while. Shortly after, I see Frank driving. I come to a blockade set by the police at a turn off.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:36:00

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I start talking to them about how I know Frank when he all of a sudden zooms up to us. Meanwhile, the police have gotten behind their cars in a video game type way and point their guns. This whole time I'm standing in the middle of all of this. Frank zooms past, but no guns are ever fired. Then I start thinking how fun it would be to do the same.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:38:52

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I start walking away to the town square which is only one block away. At some point, Frank is switched to a girl in my mind. I see her walking in an open alleyway. The police then start running from behind her, but don't see her yet. I run into the town square, which has some slow cars, but I am looking for a faster one. By now, the police are chasing me for some reason. I finally find a fast sports car, but the girl/Frank takes it out of nowhere.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:41:34

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I then run into a parking garage somehow and find another fast car, but not as fast as the previous. I hear someone who wants to kill me getting close. I jump into the passenger side of the car GTA style, since the left side has another car parked very close. I then back up just as the other person comes around the corner. Then I wake up.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 05:45:17

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
This whole dream is lifelike, except for when the police get behind their cars, when I get in the car, and the town square and garage. The town square and garage are both very dark, no people, and I'm walking on a flat black surface. The buildings are just flat grey rectangles. The cars at this point look exactly like GTA V cars, but simpler. I haven't played or watched GTA in a long time, so this was pretty weird and a weird combination and storyline.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-14 17:41:03

Level 57
Well damn I’ve been having weird dreams but too lazy to post them here, I feel guilty now.

Last night I dream I was making a raccoon farm in a spherical wooden shack. Basically the raccoons would breed and a new one would be produced every second or so. I realized that I built the farm in the wrong place because the raccoons were needed in the building next door.

So naturally, I built a conveyor belt from the farm to the building. Me and my friends laughed because the raccoons looked pretty stupid being transported along the conveyor belt.

I walked over to the building next door and it turned out to be my friend from middle school’s house. I walked into the driveway and looked up, and all of a sudden the house was extremely tall. I saw my friend eating donuts with his family on a balcony way up high. He tossed us down some donuts. I took a bite and it was extremely dense, as if he compressed them.

I went into his house and there was a cave on my left. My family went into the cave to claim it as our own. Then another tribe busted through the back of the cave. They were throwing rocks at us — apparently they had their own cave on the other side that they had already claimed. They kept shouting, “this is our cave, called Canada!”

Anyway I beat them up and called some friends over to claim their cave too. On our cave was a big display case on the side wall full of achievements waiting to be claimed. One achievement was, first to pop a wheelie. So I took my bike and tried to drive onto a ridge in the cave wall, because apparently that would fulfill the achievement. I woke up before I could do it.

Edited 3/14/2021 17:42:48
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-15 04:07:56

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
That dream seems to be similar to the style I dream. I post every single dream I can remember hear. That means less paper I need to keep track of :)
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-16 00:10:48

Level 57
Last night I dreamed I was walking through a wide corridor in a shopping mall, with a shiny and completely white floor and walls. A bunch of people behind me were talking and one mentioned soccer. I started walking with them and told them why all their soccer opinions were shit. Then I walked ahead of them but continued to listen.

We came to the end of the corridor and there was a huge wall filled with staircases and escalator leading up to a higher portion of the mall. I went up an escalator and ended up in a school corridor. In the dream I realized I was late for class and started running around the school looking for my class.

I kept checking classrooms that weren't mine, but then I finally found my classroom. It was an art room even though in the dream I knew I had science. Apparently we were doing a project for science that involved the teacher drizzling buckets of yellow and pink paint onto everyone's hair.

I watched one kid do his project. The teacher took a bucket of yellow paint, held it over his head, and poured some all around the outside of the top of his head. Then she poured squiggly lines of pink paint in the middle, before smearing a bunch of pink paint over the back of his neck with her hand.

Then it was my turn to get paint poured on me. I tried to resist but the teacher told me I had to since I was late. She slowly poured pink and yellow paint on the top of my head, and I remember the paint felt extremely cold in the dream, although the teacher didn't smear any on my neck. I looked in the mirror after and was extremely grossed out.

Then a witch came into the classroom and told me she was attracted to the paint in my hair and wanted to touch it. I instinctively knew if she touched it something very bad would happen. The rest of the dream was me running around the mall and school trying to not get touched by the witch.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-16 03:36:42

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I remembered a dream I had a long time ago. It is a disgusting scene. All I remember is throwing up shit while also shitting. I have no fricking idea why the hell I remembered that or even dreamed that. I just know I did.
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-19 04:54:15

Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
Level 56
I had a dream, but it is very faint in my memory now. All I remember is the power being out, us having no furniture, the refrigerator not working, me being worried about the milk I actually have in the freezer, opening the refrigerator and someone rushing at me to close it, and even though the power is off, there is a light on. I also remember we slept in sleeping bags. Does it mean you are extremely tired if you dream you sleep?
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-20 02:49:51

Level 35
A lot of the time when I’m writing down my dreams, I simplify things massively and only exclude the main contents, not all the random side stuff. However, sometimes I do remember specific phrases that I said or someone else said in the dream. Usually it’s because it was said shortly before I woke up.

When you write down your dreams {assuming you write them down immediately after you remember them/wake up}, do you stop to focus on/revise grammatical mistakes or are you just focused on getting the events down? Do you go in afterward to edit what you write or do you leave it untouched?

also all that stuff abt doing x but y or x to a lesser extent happens seems to indicate fear of inadequacy or a lack of control of something. but idk anything so take that as you may

Edited 3/20/2021 02:51:23
Weird Dreams: 2021-03-20 16:08:28

Level 57
Usually I just want to get all the content out before I forget it, if I’m not too lazy sometimes I’ll go back and fix the grammar
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