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dig sites: 2020-11-19 04:18:17

Dave Steffan
Level 32
is there a way to see all captured bug not dug sites on the current map? trying not to miss any
dig sites: 2020-11-19 04:27:16

Level 64
All the ones captured but not dug just sit in the captured territory. In a previous update, Fizzer made it so the icons for all dug sites get removed from the map.

Edited 11/19/2020 04:27:32
dig sites: 2020-11-19 04:34:40

Level 57
But I think he means like a quick link, ie. the link you get when you're just a few territories from completion; instead though "You've missed artifacts, need help locating them?" That would be a winner right there.
dig sites: 2020-11-19 04:35:03

Level 64
In that case, no
dig sites: 2020-11-19 04:36:55

Level 23
I think he should enable multiple dig sites, maybe an extra dig slot every 10 levels or so. When these things take a day to dig up, and are usually worthless, it would be nice to be able to get a few on the go.

(Disregard the fact i'm at level 10 lol)

Edited 11/19/2020 04:37:40
dig sites: 2020-11-19 05:34:49

Dave Steffan
Level 32
Thanks for.thw quick responses and yes I was hoping for a list or shortcut. I think we should be able to dig once per active map but thats mostly because I got my first multilevel recently.
dig sites: 2020-11-19 05:37:40

Level 35
Please, no. Playable abilities should not depend on your profile level.
dig sites: 2020-11-19 05:40:15

Level 23
Maybe not so much dependent on a level then. But i am currently on a map that has 2 dig sites, and they're each about a day long, so it's kind of a bummer as you can't really start one until the map is nearing completion anyway. Maybe just 3 dig slots then. 1 seems too little.
dig sites: 2020-11-19 10:40:35

Level 63
While level only should unlock new features, having a permanent 2nd digging crew would be nice member-only feature. I find it weird that Idle doesn't have any member-only advantages, while Classic has a bunch.

If Fizzer wants to sell memberships to players only playing Idle, he would need to give the members some advantage in Idle as well. +20% AP for all levels you complete, extra dig crew, +5% speed on all smelters/crafters etc
dig sites: 2020-11-19 11:16:50

Level 35
What I suggest to do is to give people ability to launch all possible dig sites on current map, when they have conquered every territory except 1 last.
Like, wow, you have conquered the world, why can't you just go dig everything now, as there is nothing else to do?
dig sites: 2020-11-21 06:32:52

Level 56
Members should just get the +20% army camps without having to watch any ads. Keep it in line with member benefits in classic.
dig sites: 2020-11-21 09:35:13

Dj Storm
Level 59
I see digging for artifacts as a way to counter the slow-paced endgame players were complaining about. You were unhappy you spent 2 days accumulating soldiers to conquer the last 10 territories, with no mercenaries and army caches available? Cimplain no longer, you have 3 unexcavated dig sites to pour your money into.
All players play to conquer the entire map. The time to reach this goal can be estimated from the characteristics of the map, and can be shortened by playing with a better strategy, and using your APs and other powerups to further shorten this time.
Some players try to also purchase the entire tech tree. Those who mainly invest in improving conquering abilities find out that the required time to purchase the tech tree is greater than the time to conquer the map. APs and powerups can be directed to shorten this time as well.
Some players want to dig all sites before completing a map. Currently there's no way of reducing the total dig time, which is equal with the sum of dig times for the dig sites included in the map. This time interval might be comparable with the two intervals above when not using APs and other powerups, but becomes way larger once players advance their conquest and mining/smelting/crafting abilities.
My point of view, advancements and powerups that help reduce the dig time should be introduced. Like "reduce dig time by 10%, upgradable to 50% in 5% intervals", similar to smelters and crafters; "allow digging 2 sites simoltaneously" like the multilevel powerup; a "digging crew works 20x faster for 5 minutes" powerup reduces remaining dig time by 1h40min in 5 minutes, the player effectively gaining 1h35min; a "digging crew works 5%-10%-20%-40%-80%-160% faster" passive artifact is way more valuable, demoting other equally valuable artifacts from one of the active spots.
I feel uneasy about giving advancements affecting gameplay to paying members. Such advancements weren't added to multiplayer games (it would ruin them), and were kept away from single player levels, too (adding them to single levels will be seen as a must-pay-to-complete-campaign addition, frowned upon). Probably it's best not to make Warzone Idle dependent on a membership. Dig sites and artifacts are a recent addition, there are ways to balance them to make a smooth playing experience without tying them to payment.
dig sites: 2020-11-21 12:12:15

Level 60
how about adding to the tech tree, second dig crew, third, etc as level necessitates?
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