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Artifact Database: 2020-11-25 15:47:44

Level 63
The only active artifact I use now is my Uncommon Inspire Mercenaries artifact. Getting ~100M armies every 24 hours is better than any third passive artifact I'd want to have in that slot while I'm idle.

THERE'S AN INSPIRE MERCS ARTIFACT ??!! Gimme gimme gimme! But wait ... is it the same as the Power, or does it limit the amount?

@Emperor Matthias IV
I like JZ mine database too, very useful, thanks!

What is this 'mine database'? Pls share details.
Artifact Database: 2020-11-25 19:51:50

Level 35
That artifact is bad. Gives like 1% of merc camp once in 24h or something like that =\
Artifact Database: 2020-11-25 20:01:47

Level 63
Oh 1% ... I take it that is a Poor artifact? Agree, not worth the 24h cooldown yet again.

In fact, the only active artifacts that were worth the 24h cooldowns were the first 2 I got b/c I had nothing else to put in the slots yet.
Artifact Database: 2020-11-27 10:06:38

Level 63
In fact, the only active artifacts that were worth the 24h cooldowns were the first 2 I got b/c I had nothing else to put in the slots yet
I've played with slots empty for the longest time, even tho I had enough active artifacts to fill them. Knowing me, i would probably activate just before i would get a new artifact from digging that would actually be useful, so I've kept them stored away just to be safe.
Artifact Database: 2020-11-29 05:30:58

Level 25
My memory might be wrong but I think I sacrificed a poor card that's not on the list. It was a 0.1% chance of getting two artifacts from a dig site. Has anyone else seen this card? It was the first time upgrading a card and wasn't thinking it was important at the time.
Artifact Database: 2020-12-03 14:59:00

Dj Storm
Level 59
Anyone can confirm the existence of "two artifacts from a dig site" artifact?
Artifact Database: 2020-12-12 21:18:15

Level 59
what is the rule of the cache boost? the advanced stats are terrible vs the lowest level dedicated ones resource/money/army.

I can't see why that exists unless it stacks or something..? it's useless otherwise if/when you have the others, even at lowest level
Artifact Database: 2020-12-13 07:26:22

Level 65
There are also insane artifacts after legendary ones...
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