I have finally completed the map of Austria.
http://warlight.net/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=34103It is a pretty small map, so I will be doing 1v1's, 2v2's, and 4 player FFA's.
I will do one of each first, with light fog so I can see where some territories don't connect.
After the first three game are finished, I will do a second round of three, this time with normal fog.
If you want to help test, just say so below which game(s) you would like to participate in.
1v1 light fog: 0 tester needed
2v2 light fog: 3 needed
4 player FFA light fog: 3 needed
1v1 normal fog: 0 needed
2v2 normal fog: 3 needed
4 player FFA normal fog: 2 needed
Thanks everyone
Edited 7/23/2014 15:15:20