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"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 07:11:36

Level 46
Twice tonight I've gotten the error message "Sorry, the battle was deleted". I'm guessing this is because there weren't enough people in the match (though I'm unapologetic for playing this game on a Saturday night in a pandemic), but I'm curious if other people have experienced this bug.

The first time I wasn't paying attention to how many people were in the match, but this last time there were 8. I know 8 isn't a lot, given there are prizes given out for the top 5, but 8 seems like more than enough to have a battle. To be honest, I would think there could be a way to limit the prizes but still have a battle if even just *two* people want to compete. Anyone else encountering this issue? Am I mistaking a feature for a bug?

For what it's worth, on desktop in Chrome (Idle Battle crashed repeatedly on my tablet, despite a stable connection) and up-to-date version wise as of 12/5.
"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 07:13:09

Level 64
The minimum a battle needs to run is 10. If there's less than 10, the battle deletes. That's not a bug, it's intentional.

Edited 12/6/2020 07:14:00
"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 07:26:41

Level 60
^ That is correct. However it is still a bad user experience. Maybe it will be a non-issue once the beta ends, but IDK, a battle with reduced rewards for example, would be a better option from a player perspective.
"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 09:25:40

Level 46
I guess I'm consoled that it's a feature and not a bug, but it really doesn't make sense to me. There were 8 people, ready to go after an hour of waiting, and then nope, no match. I get once this leaves beta, ideally we'd have droves of people playing, but certainly less than ideal from a current user perspective. I don't even care about the placement prizes (I've cleared them out, so I'm just playing for fun essentially), I just wanted to play.

Maybe set a limit of 5 on a match? If it's only going to be once an hour, even 2 people seems fine to me, with a reasonable limit on prizes, etc. I guess I'm really shouting to the void (or in hopes Fizzer sees this) though.
"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 11:10:27

Level 61
I think that this will be fixed when Idle comes out of beta, or even before that. And trust me, Fizzer reads this :) Hi Fizzer!
"Sorry, the battle was deleted": 2020-12-06 11:21:38

Level 63
I think that this will be fixed when Idle comes out of beta, or even before that. And trust me, Fizzer reads this :) Hi Fizzer!
There still should be a minimum # of players, but based on the first few games that Fizzer manually started. battles work perfectly at 7 players. Based on that, I guess the minimum can be set at 6.

Running battles with 6 players works a lot better than running them with 30 or so, where everyone gets disconnected and a lot of bugs pop up. (But I'm sure Fizzer is working very hard to get that fixed asap)
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