Hello. I started playing Warlight a few weeks ago. Since then, I've improved considerably, and have played 73 games. I am a longtime fan of board games in general, and I loved learning warlight. However, I don't know (m)any of the tricks and strategies unique to warlight. I am looking for a team, preferably with some good players, that is willing to teach me and help me advance.
MC is a less-strict (rule-wise) clan, but we have 40% 1v1 and 2v2 pre-reqs and 45% 3v3. We'll be happy to enlist you if you can get your 1v1 and 2v2 stats up a bit.
I would suggest pix to wait for a while, because this happend to me when I just started and couldn't find one.
The only really beginner clan I can think of is lighters and he'll bender would let you in to {FPP}
lololol, read through the forums, you will get trolled out of warlight before the 20 day name change cooldown is up if you join fpp =P
i've invited you to a game to join lighters (lighters are part of warlighters, just don't meet the skill requirements, to make that clear, but they still get all the advantages that warlighters do except joining some competitive team tournaments).
Are people doing that because they want their opponents to underestimate them? Or are they doing it because they think their poor stats are not an accurate reflection of how good they are?