Dj Storm
Level 59
Thanks for listing your stats. Without auto upgrading army camps, one needs +150% army camp production just to beat the first level. The opponent in Huruey's Castle has about +120% armies, 5% autoconquer and no autoupgrade. Normally, a player with +130% armies should be able to win, but the map is built in such way that the player spends armies conquering neutrals, while the opponent goes for the player's army camp.
Normally, more armies mean a higher chance to win. Once the neutrals have been conquered and the two parties are facing each other, the player with a higher army production should win, no matter how big the opponent is. In reality, a party with higher autoconquer might break through the opponent's lines and run to low defense territories, including the initial army camp. Once that falls, the army income shifts and the conquerer will have more income and more autoconquer, which usually wins him the game.
My recommendation: - Try to guess your opponent's stats - army income level, autoconquer and autoupgrade levels. For this, pause the game after every move if possible, and write down the timestamp and what your opponent spent conquering. It's time consuming, and involves too much guesswork. - Upgrade advancements in small steps and retry levels, look what changed and if the advancement looks worth it to upgrade further. You should replay past levels that you already won, just to gather information on the effectiveness of your newly upgraded advancement. - Autoconquer at 5% seems a bit low for someone having autoupgrade. It costs 50 AP to upgrade to 10%, meaning you will conquer neutral territories faster (you need half as many armies on hand than what you need now), more new territories mean more income for more upgrades, and sometimes getting an army camp faster.